Big Basin 2011

Big Basin Park Headquarters to Sea

Dates: Monday May 30 through Thurs Jun 2, 2011

Camper/hikers (6):

Martin Berndt

Jym Clendenin

Chuck and Isobel Fox

Steve St. Lorant

Drivers for trip to Park HQ:

MB (Breadbox)

JC (Camry)

Spouse/drivers for trip to coast:

Hartha Hanerfeld

Judy Clendenin (Altima)

Lilo St. Lorant (SUV)


Heidi Berndt (passenger)

Day 1. Car pool to Big Basin Park Headquarters via Rtes 9 then 236

Jym with Camry pick up Harold at 10, Steve at 10:10

Martin with van meet Jym et al at Foxes by 10:30, redistribute people and/or equipment, proceed to Park Hqdrs

Eat lunch at Park Hqdrs

Day hike Howard King and Berry Creek Falls Trails

Set up camp

Enjoy pre-prepared evening dinner: Jym prepare meal using Breadbox stove

Day 2. Hike to Sunset Trail Camp - about 5 mi

Set up camp

Backpackers meal: Foxes prepare meal

Day 3. Hike to ocean at Rancho del Oso via Waddell Creek Trail - about 7 mi

Judy in Altima, Lilo (with Heidi) in SUV, and Hartha in 3rd vehicle drive to Rancho del Oso (near mouth of Waddell Creek arriving by 3:30 pm. Estimated travel times: to Pescadero via 92 is 35 mi, about 1 h. Rancho del Oso is another 17 mi, about 20 min.

Important note: Actual meeting spot is at Rancho del Oso Nature Center, which is a about a quarter mi east of U.S. 1

Car pool to Pescadero to clean up and get ready for dinner

Dinner at Duarte's: reservations for 10 at 6 pm; large table near entrance

Spend nite at Pescadero (all but Hanerfelds); Hanerfelds drive home same nite

Day 4. Drive home

Remaining 8 car-pool home after breakfast in remaining 2 vehicles. Note that since one vehicle will have 3 hikers, it may be necessary to put extra equipment in Saints' SUV

Later in day, Steve drive MB and Jym to pick up cars at Park Headquarters

Accomodation possibilities:

In Pescadero

Pescadero Creek B&B – 3 rooms, 2@$195, 1@175 (weekdays, winter)

Pescadero B & Bisquit – 2 cottages, $125 (weekdays, winter)

McCormick House – 2 rooms with shared bath, $198 total for both rooms (weekdays, winter)

Big Basin home page:

/hikingcamping.html for hiking and camping info

/camping.html for camping info

/fees.html for fee info

Note: Reservations for car campsite at Park HQ on 30th and Sunset Trail Camp on 31st have been made by MB

Jym has the official up-to-date (c. 2008) trail map.

An unofficial map in PDF format is at