Emigrant 2015

Who's going? Esther, Jym, Martin, Misha, Steve

Reminders for all: bear barrels not required, base camp at Crabtree may not have any tables, does not have water, only Bell Creek, but has orestimbas. The place is basically a parking lot for hikers and cavalry during the hunting season. Do not know if there are fire pits but I am sure we can improvise one. I’ll have the necessary fire permits.

Base camp dinner: my suggestion is we assemble a cold collation: I’ll bring guacamole, some cold cuts, a bit of cheese and a New York rye bread if I can get it. (It has become a rarity). Beer and wine of course. And an ice chest. Do not bring too much food, you know we cannot leave it in the vehicles. If you object, suggest alternatives

Reminders, personal for community:

Esther, in charge of cooking for Martin, but as usual we’ll have plenty to spare. Six dinners. One stove with fuel.

Martin: water filter, pot(s) for Esther, water and firewood for the base camp. Pack light. Golden Age Passport.

Jym: water filter, one stove with fuel, one six quart pot, three dinners, map(?). Golden Age Passport.

Steve: one six quart pot, three dinners, Crystal Lite, rum, maps, permits, Golden Age Passport.

Misha: money/credit card, driver license, needed for fishing license.

As usual, we’ll split the loads in camp. Suggest Esther and Martin in one car, Misha and Steve, pick up Jym, in the other.

Breakfast, lunch on your own.

Meet at Cafe Bliss in Oakdale between 10:00 and 10:30 am, Monday July 13.