School Uniform and Supplies

Dress Code - Uniform Policy

Our School Leadership Team (SLT) adopted our uniform policy in 2007.  In alignment with Chancellor's Regulation A-665, we believe our uniform policy has helped our school "promote a more effective learning climate; foster school unity and pride; improve student performance; foster self-esteem; eliminate label competition; simplify dressing and minimize costs to parents; teach children appropriate dress and decorum in their “work” place; and help to improve student conduct and discipline."  We are proud to be a uniform school and have a variety of uniform options for our students.  We encourage our students to wear their uniforms every day and to participate in school spirit days throughout the year.

For your convenience and in support of our uniform policy, our school uniform comes in several styles and can be purchased from two vendors:  NEEDLEHEADS or SEBASTIAN PRINTINGNeedleheads is located at 88-01 Myrtle Avenue, Glendale, NY 11385.  You can purchase online at  The store phone number is (718) 850-4252 (Ask for Dennis Coy).  If you don't see I.S. 93 apparel, CLICK "LOAD MORE" until our uniforms come up.  Sebastian Printing is located at 5607 Myrtle Avenue, Ridgewood, NY 11385.  You can call (718) 724-3888 or email

Royal Blue (grade 6).  Burgundy (grade 7).  Dark Blue (grade 8).


Additionally, you are not required to order from Needleheads as per Chancellor's Regulation A-665.  While we believe we offer very affordable prices, you may purchase from any vendor/store of your choice.  Parents have the right to secure an exemption from the uniform requirement.  You may also contact the principal, designee, or family advocate if you cannot afford a uniform.  As far as discipline for a student not wearing the school uniform, our approach is to remind the student to wear it.  We will call home if non-compliance is a frequent occurrence to gain insight and support from parents. We are proud that our students wear their uniforms daily and want to maintain wearing our uniform as a positive experience. The uniform should be worn properly at all times (i.e., not tied up in a knot, worn backwards, hidden, ripped, or written on, etc.).

Students must also adhere to the following DOE guidelines of appropriate dress :   In order to maintain a positive learning environment, it is expected that I.S. 93 students dress in a professional manner. We expect students to be dressed appropriately to ensure safety and to keep the focus on teaching and learning. We would like all parents and guardians to remind students of proper dress protocols on campus. 

Prohibited forms of dress at I.S. 93:

1) No hats or caps (with the exception of headwear worn for religious observance), unless approved for spirit dress days (i.e., crazy hat day or sports hat day)

2) No clothing that contains references to drugs, alcohol, sex, violence, racism, or gang-affiliation

3) No clothing that does not provide coverage of torso, undergarments, and private body parts above or below the waistline, including see-through garments of any kind

4) No Flip-flops, Slides, and other footwear that does not securely cover and protect the foot and heel

5) No sunglasses while indoors

6) No shorts above the mid-thigh

7) No grills over teeth, over-sized hoop earrings, or multi-finger rings

If a student comes to school wearing clothing prohibited by the Dress Code, then the student’s parents will be notified, the student may be subject to the interventions and disciplinary responses set forth in the Discipline Code, and the student will be expected to make appropriate adjustments to his/her clothing to conform with the Dress Code (e.g., turning shirt inside out, borrowing temporary clothing until the end of the school day, etc.).

Supply List 2024-2025: All Grades

For the first few days of school, your child should bring a notebook, a pen, and a pencil.  

The items below are a collection of what students might need for all subjects combined to give parents an idea of supplies.  However, individual teachers will communicate the specific items they may or may not require for their subject.  Do NOT rush out to buy everything on the list before school starts.

Supply List (not all teachers require all items)

6 marble composition notebooks

6 folders with two pockets

2 one-inch, three-ring binders

1 pack of section dividers for binder

1 box of #2 pencils

2 erasers

Black or blue pens

Colored pencils

Pencil sharpener

2 different colored highlighters

1 pack of 3x3 Post-its

Loose-leaf paper

1 pack of loose-leaf reinforcements

1 ruler (metric + customary markings)

2 glue sticks and Scotch tape

Optional Items Teachers May Request

Roll of paper towels

Box of tissues

Ream of printer paper

Pack of baby wipes

Hand soap or sanitizer