I.S. 93 - an LSI School (Local Support and Improvement)*

*This designation used to be called "School in Good Standing."

Dear Parent or Guardian,

This letter is to notify you that, our school, IS 93 Ridgewood, has been designated for Local Support and Improvement (LSI) by the New York State Education Department (NYSED) for the 2023-24 school year based on the performance of our students on New York State assessments in school year 2022-23. The designation “Local Support and Improvement (LSI),” recognizes that all schools, even higher performing schools like ours, are in a continuous improvement mode and can benefit from local support from their districts to meet students’ differentiated needs. LSI is the best accountability status currently available. The school’s designation is part of the state’s accountability system consistent with federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) requirements.

I’m confident that the programs and interventions that are being implemented citywide and at our school will continue to make the 2023-24 school year a high-quality educational experience for your child.

Thank you for your ongoing partnership and support. Our entire school staff is committed to ensuring a successful year for our students and school community. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our parent coordinator, Martha Bayona, at mbayona2@schools.nyc.gov or 718-821-4882, extension 2183.


Edward Santos, Principal

Welcome to I.S. 93/Bienvenidos a I.S. 93

Home of the Ridgewood Rams/Hogar de Los Carneros Ridgewood

Our Motto/Nuestro Lema  

Pursuing Excellence for a Better World

Persiguiendo La Excelencia para un Mundo Mejor 

Our Mission/Nuestra Mision

Our mission at I.S. 93 is to create an engaging, caring, and inclusive learning environment for our students to thrive academically and as future leaders in our society.  Nuestra mision en I.S. 93 es crear un ambiente motivador, solidario e inclusivo para que nuestros estudiantes se desarrollen academicamente y como futuros lideres en nuestra sociedad.


Dear Students and Parents: 

On this website www.is93.org you can view our school’s calendar, school supply list, policies, and activities. In addition, use the links to complete the following items:


o   Lunch form link: https://www.myschoolapps.com/ 

o   Link to complete Emergency Contact Form

o   Uniform link: Choose Needleheads or Sebastian Printing.  Both are located on Myrtle Avenue.

Your child's class schedule is posted under Student Schedules.

Special Reminders:  If your child has a medical condition and/or takes medication, please provide our nurse with updated documentation as soon as possible.

Click here for the most up to date information on health and safety in NYC schools.


For questions or concerns, please contact Martha Bayona, Parent Coordinator, at 718-821-4882, extension 2183 or mbayona2@schools.nyc.gov. 


Bienvenidos a I.S. 93 

Hogar de los Carneros de Ridgewood


Estimados Estudiantes Nuevos y Padres: 

Visite nuestra página en la red www.is93.org para ver el calendario, políticas, actividades e historia de nuestra escuela.  Use los enlaces abajo para completar los siguientes formularios.


o   Enlace al formulario de almuerzo: www.myschoolapps.com 

o   Enlace al formulario de contacto de emergencia

o   Para comprar el uniforme escolar: https://www.neeedleheadsnyc.com/shop


El horario de clases de su estudiante se puede encontrar en este sitio web donde dice "student programs".

Recordatorio Especial: Si su hijo tiene una condición médica o toma medicamentos, proporcione a nuestra  enfermera documentación actualizada tan pronto como sea posible. 

Haga clic aquí para obtener la información más actualizada sobre salud y seguridad en nuestras escuelas.

Para preguntas o preocupaciones, póngase en contacto con Martha Bayona, Coordinadora de Padres, al 718-821-4882 ext. 2183 o por correo electrónico  mbayona2@schools.nyc.gov. 


Edward Santos 


Ridgewood I.S. 93


Do you have a NYCSA Account?

Dear I.S. 93 Families, 

This website is a good way to stay informed about events and activities.  Your NYCSA account is also very important.  In NYCSA, you can see your child’s report cards, view attendance, update important contact information, and more in NYCSA. If you have not created a NYCSA account, please create one asap. If you need help creating a NYCSA account, please contact Martha Bayona, Parent Coordinator, at mbayona2@schools.nyc.gov or 718-821-4882, extension 2183.

Best Regards,

Edward Santos, Principal

NYC my schools logo

Cell Phone Use Policy

Please review.

In consultation with our School Leadership Team (SLT), student cell phones, smart watches, air pods, and other portable electronic devices must be off and out of sight when in the building during school hours unless otherwise indicated by a school official.  Smart watches must be in airplane mode only and may only be used to check the time.  Given the dangers of unchecked access of adolescents to social media, the members of the SLT are in consensus that this policy is for the safety and welfare of all of our students and community.  Our policy is in alignment with Chancellor's Regulation A-413

Regarding cell phones and electronic devices, students who violate the DOE's Discipline Code, our school's policy, Chancellor's Regulation A-413, and /or the DOE's Internet Acceptable Use and Safety Policy (IAUSP), will be subject to discipline in accordance with the Discipline Code.  Cell phones and other devices used in violation of school policy will be subject to confiscation by school administration and will be returned only to parents/guardians.  Where appropriate, measures will be instituted in a progressive fashion.  Such measures include, but are not limited to:  warnings, confiscation and return at the end of the school day, confiscation and return after parent conference, confiscation and return after entering into a behavioral contract, or revocation of privilege to bring cell phone to school.  

Note:  Parents and students must NOT text each other during the school days.  If there is an emergency, contact the main office at 718-821-4882, and we will support you.  

For questions regarding this policy, please contact Martha Bayona, our Parent Coordinator, at 718-821-4882, extension 2183 or mbayona2@schools.nyc.gov.