
Parent Leadership

PTA Elections were held on May 23, 2023.  

President:  Lesly Sandford

Secretary:  Vanessa Laureano

Treasurer: Michelle Estrella

PTA meetings are typically held monthly in the evening.  Check the I.S. 93 calendar for announcements.

School Leadership Team (SLT) Parent Members

Lesly Sandford, Yesenia Vasquez, Vanessa Laureano, Yesenia Llorente

SLT meetings are typically held monthly in the evening.  Check the I.S. 93 calendar for announcements.

Annual Title I Parent Meeting was held on October 24, 2023.

We are a Title I school.  We reviewed the goal of Title I and the funds set aside for parent engagement opportunities. $6,112 (1% of our total Title I allotment) are set aside this year for this purpose.  Slides explaining Title I can be found here.

Current PAC Chairperson: Yesenia Llorentte

The PAC meets only a few times per year.  Check the I.S. 93 calendar for announcements.

School Policies