
Students understand that school rules are necessary and they need to follow them to have a safe school for everyone to learn and work. Students understand that NYC schools follow a Discipline Code that outlines consequences for breaking school rules. We know that our school is a great school when all students help make our school safe for everybody at all times. Students know that situations that are physically or emotionally unsafe must be communicated to school staff immediately to support students in need. We follow the I.S. 93 Code of Conduct known as R.E.S.P.E.C.T. to help us focus on doing the right thing every day.

I.S. 93 Code of Conduct: R.E.S.P.E.C.T.

We are all guided by our code of conduct, which is posted in our classrooms and in our hallways on bulletin boards. R.E.S.P.E.C.T. permeates our school as a positive reminder of ways we contribute to our school community every day to make it a better place to learn and grow.


We follow school rules and take responsibility for our actions.


We seek to achieve the highest quality of work, both at home and in school.


We help build a better community inside and outside of school by serving others.


We work hard, never give up, and ask for help to achieve our goals.


We strive to be positive role models and set a good example for others.


We work together with classmates and adults to achieve our goals.


We are there to support others in our school community.