- My main website is: http://asadzaman.net
- Asad Zaman Shared with everyone in the world
- This is my central Google Website. A large number of other Google websites for special purposes are linked here. My non-Google personal website is http://asadzaman.net
- Asad Zaman Publications Shared with everyone in the world
- This site is meant to collect all my published articles. For recent research, either in draft or submit or recently published stages, see AZ Current Research
- /site/azamanpublications/
- ATEEQ-UR-RAHMAN IRSHAD Shared with 1 person
- /site/ateequrrahmanirshad/
- AZ Current Research Shared with everyone in the world
- AZ: Newspaper & Short Articles Shared with everyone in the world
- This is to keep track of my newspaper articles and also of background articles which provide the information used in my articles.
- Critiques of Economic Theory Shared with everyone in the world
- This is to organize materials which provide critiques of conventional modern Economic Theory. There are a huge number of different lines of attacks, which we try to organize and present
- Econometric Forecasting Shared with everyone in the world
- Contains material on causality, econometrics, and econometric methodology related to my research and courses on econometics. Asad Zaman
- Experimental Economics Shared with everyone in the world
- Saima Naeem has done a Ph.D. thesis in Experimental Economics as it relates to incentives in the labor market. This website collects literature in this and related areas in ...
- Experimental Economics Shared with 5 people
- This is meant for the Text book of Experimental Economics by Dr Asad Zaman
- Experimental Economics Shared with 9 people
- This is meant for students of IIIE studying Experimental Economics in Fall 2012 with Dr. Asad Zaman. Uzma Bashir Awan is TA for the course, and students can correspond with ...
- Hendri Bahri Shared with everyone in the world
- This site is to store and organize my research and publications.
- Iftikhar Hussain Aadil Shared with 14 people
- /site/iftikharhussainadil/
- IIIE Current Issues Shared with 53 people
- IIIE Faculty Shared with 2 people
- IIIE Library Shared with 6 people
- IIIE Research Methods Shared with 31 people
- Pull all your class information together in one place. Stay connected with parents and students. Includes a place to post a "word of the week," a blog to display a ...
- /site/iiieresearchmethods/
- IIIE Research Proposals Shared with 8 people
- Meant to provide information about all research proposals MS, Ph.D. etc. presented at faculty seminars at IIIE.
- IIIE RM2 Shared with 29 people
- This site is to store student research proposals.
- IIIE Student Guide Shared with 9 people
- guide to students for preparation of MS Thesis Proposals
- Data Sets Useful for Statistics: [link]
- IntroStats4Muslims Shared with everyone in the world
- /site/introstats4muslims/
- Islam Shared with everyone in the world
- Islamic Banking and Finance Shared with everyone in the world
- This is meant to store materials related to Islamic Banking and Finance. It is meant to facilitate research on this topic.
- /site/islamiceconomicssurvey/
- Islamic Econ Urdu Books Shared with everyone in the world
- /site/islamiceconurdubooks/
- Islamic Economics Shared with everyone in the world
- Writings and Research of Asad Zaman on Islamic Economics and related subjects
- Monetary Economics Shared with everyone in the world
- Mohammad Rehman completed his Ph.D. Thesis on Determinants of Inflation. Thesis and related material on monetary economics will be stored on this site for reference purposes.
- /site/mohammadrehmansite/
- Muhammad Asghar Shahzad Shared with everyone in the world
- /site/islamichousefinancing/
- My Students Shared with everyone in the world
- All students working for their theses under my supervision should create a page on this website. This will allow me to monitor their progress.
- Quantitative Methods for Social Sciences Shared with everyone in the world
- Random Coefficients Shared with everyone in the world
- /site/randomcoefficients/
- Textbooks: Econometrics & Statistics Shared with 6 people
- Values and Economics Shared with everyone in the world
- Values, Ethics, Morality affect all of Economics, even thought most economists claim otherwise -- The Positive/Normative distinction cannot be made. Issues related to Governance and Corruption are also within the ...
- /site/normativefoundationsofscarcity/
- zasgharorg Shared with 2 people
- Pull all your project information together in one place and stay connected with your project team. Includes a project blog, a place for to-do items, team profile pages, a ...