L04 Comparisons Part I: "Gladwell: Order of Things"
This lecture is meant to show both how rankings are very important and also how they are very arbitrary, and be changed to suit different kinds of views.
This lecture is meant to show both how rankings are very important and also how they are very arbitrary, and be changed to suit different kinds of views.
1. Take graded quiz QL04 parallel to the self assessment comprehension Lec03 Quiz (non graded) on order of things.
2. Read lecture on basis of Nadia/Uzma slides attached below
3. Attempt activity report online . Students may discuss and resolve controversial issues on blog Intro Stat Blog and present a write up with best arguments for both sides.
L04: Activity Report — Activity report on Lecture number 4
Q L04: Order of Things — Graded quiz on "order of things"