L07 Mean, Median, Mode: Representing and Benchmarking

Standard measures of central tendency, and how these are used in arguments. Merits and faults of measures, with discussion of where they are useful, and where they are deceptive.

1. Watch recorded lecture. Read below given lecture slides and transcript of the same video lecture.

2. For more details see lecture notes on representing and benchmarking given below.

3. Attempt Comprehenson Quiz L07 SA for self learning and assessment.

4. Attempt Comprehension Quiz L07 (compulsory).

Comprehension Quiz Self Assessment — Self Assessment comprehension quiz purely for learning purpose. Grade will not be included.

Graded Comprehnsion Quiz — Comprehnsion quiz on Representing and Benchmarking. Compulsory to attempt for grade

ISM L04 Mean, Median, Mode: Representing & Benchmarking — AAU L10H - Statistical Measures of Central Tendency, and how they are used in arguments.