
Introduction to Statistics for Muslims (old website)

News Flash: 12 Oct 2022: Ongoing Online Course on this material: Real Statistics: A Radical Approach: Registration Page: http://bit.ly/AZRealStats

New website, hopefully better organized: Introduction to Statistics: An Islamic Approach

PRELIMINARY BACKGROUND IN EXCEL is required for this course: Students can learn basics of EXCEL required for this course from the following webpage: EXCEL Lessons.

More advanced course: Applied Econometrics, See also, DHSY website for more detailed explanations of Encompassing and the Hendry Methodology.

Course being offered in Management Department at Arid Agricultural University starting Feb 22, 2016. Details on: ARID Intro Stats Home Page.

See Also: Bayesian Econometrics

For a description of special features of the course, and an outline, see DESCRIPTION.

There are quizzes (often TWO quizzes) associated with each lecture -- one is a comprehension quiz which tests understanding of the lecture, second is a computational quiz, which asks student to do spreadsheet calculations of concepts developed in the lecture. These quizzes are available on QUIZSTAR -- click on the link and SIGN UP to get a student login and password. Then REGISTER for the class INTRO STATS: SELF PACED by Asad Zaman. Then you will be able to take quizzes in this class.

Shaykh the courses will be available on the Free Diploma section of the IOU, inshaAllah. Students would just need to make a Free Study Account, after that they can enroll in any of the available courses they like.The following link has all the details: http://www.islamiconlineuniversity.com/diploma/registration.php


Lecture 1: Islamic Approaches to Knowledge == INTRODUCTORY MATERIAL: { First Lecture provides motivation for nature & structure of this radically different approach to statistics}


Introduction to Statistics: An Islamic Approach

Part 1: Descriptive Statistics

Lecture 2: COMPARISONS Part I: Number Facts and Fictions

Lecture 3: COMPARISONS: Part II: Sorting, Ranking and: Percentiles,

Lecture 4: REPRESENTING: (Mean, Median and Mode)

Lecture 5: Measures of Spread, and Outliers.

Lecture 6: Boxplots.

Lecture 7: Histograms

Lecture 8: Densities:

Lecture 9: Bivariate Relationships


These lectures are now being replaced by a NEWLY DESIGNED part II for this course:

Introduction to Statistics: An Islamic Approach

Part 2: Probability and Statistics

Lecture 10: Random Draws

Lecture 11: Random Variables

Lecture 12: Probability Laws and Discrete Random Variables

Lecture 13: Binomial Distribution

Lecture 14: Expected Values, Averages, and LLN -- needs revision, slides

Lecture 15: Central Values and Unexpected Values -- needs revision, slides

Lecture 16: Normal Approximation to Binomial -- needs writeup

Lecture 17: Central Limit Theorem

Lecture 18: Assessing Independence in Contingency Tables

CONCLUDING LECTURE: Explains why current western methodology is seriously defective:

Lecture XX: Deification of Science


MEDIATION, as a topic in path diagrams & causality, should be introduced.