Q-D0X-TAO5.1 (T2) Homeworld: Fortuna

Player: Michael

Refresh: 5

Health: OOO

Composure: OOO-O

Wealth: OOO-O


Tactically Augmented Organism

I read it in the manual

Fear is a useless emotion

The bottom line is always the bottom line

The metagame is the game

Both dummy and puppeteer

The future is mine to command


+4 Alertness

+3 MG-Brokerage, Communications

+2 Bureaucracy, Tactics, Computer

+1 Resolve, Assets, Pilot(sp), Science

+0 Navigation, Repair, Slug Throwers, Micro-G, Medical


TAO Series Bioroid: Pay 1 FATE point. Can use any one skill at +3 for the remainder of this Scene.

Military Grade: Brokerage. Suffers no penalties when buying/selling restricted items.

Trust me- I’m an expert: Substitute Brokerage for Charm whenever money is part of the conversation.


Comlinked Datapad, Personal Assault Gun (T2), Velcro softpad shoes, Pilot and Brokerage Certification, Lucky (loaded) dice


Q-D0X-TAO5.1 ('Dox') was trained in a creche on Fortuna Prime. A bioroid with an augmented intellect he was trained in a wide variety of skills (strategic thinking, computer/communications, asset management) before it was determined that he was best placed in the Advanced Brokerage program. By the age of 15 his contract had been traded to Fortunado Investments TG, where he was tasked with managing small scale accounts. It was a daunting task for someone so young, but he kept a cool head and made a steady profit on his accounts.

Within a few years Dox found himself managing ever larger fortunes as he proved his innate talent to manipulate clients and money into profitable positions (while maximizing commissions as well). Although still the property of the trading guild, he found that his status afforded him some luxuries not available to those at the lower rungs. But a gilded cage is still a cage...

Opportunity arrived when some particularly motivated sellers arrived trying to broker what were clearly stolen goods. He offered them two alternatives: A.) he can call security and they will go away for a really long time, or B.) they team up and make a lot of money together, and in the process Q-D0X would be effectively become his own contract holder under the dummy guild set up with the profits.

The sellers decided to go with plan B.

Q-D0X now travels the stars seeking his fortune. He might still be property in the eyes of the law, but humans had given him an intellect that they could not fully understand and thus cannot fully control. For Q-D0X the universe is now vast, wild, and full of infinite opportunities.