「BA International Relations」Queen Mary University of London

成田 かりん (なりた かりん)さん



アメリカ、サンフランシスコの高校を出て、アイルランド、ダブリンの大学へ進学しました。ダブリンで開発とジェンダーの授業を履修し、開発学に興味を持ちました。その後二年生としてロンドン、Queen Mary 大学へ転校し国際関係学部に所属する事にしました。Queen Mary ではロンドンでは個人の大学外で開発学を学ぶ機会(IDDP, パブリックの講会など)が充実しています。


ロンドンでは意外な事に数少ないBA International Relations (以後、IR) (国際関係学)に入門する事が出来ます。基本から専門まで学士として学べるのでコース自体にはとても満足しています。

授業は必須科目と選択に分かれており、コースを進むにつれ選択科目が多くなります。1年目と2年目の授業は秋学期から春学期へと続け、1年に4科目(30単位ずつ)取ります。3年目は一学期に3科目(15単位)+論文(30単位)をと取ります。3年目では秋、春と授業が変わります。選択科目は必ずしもIRに関する授業を取る必要はありません。他に興味があれば私のようにSchool of GeographyかSchool of History、又は他のUniversity of London (King’s, UCL, LSE など)で授業を取る事も出来ます(学年度で30単位まで)。


授業名: International Relations: Theory and Contemporary Issues (秋学期と春学期をかけて、2年生向けの必須科目、30単位)

・内容: “This module focuses on some of the key theories, issues and themes in the study and practice of contemporary international relations. It takes as its starting point the distinct political characteristics of the social space of the ‘international’ defined by the absence of common political power and the political and economic changes associated with the end of the Cold War and globalisation. The first semester is mostly concerned with exploring theories of international relations, from realism and liberalism to historical materialism and postcolonialism. The module then proceeds to identify and examine key issues of concern within contemporary world politics including the changing nature of state sovereignty, war and violence, global governance and international organisations, the nature of the world economy, and human rights. Through the study of these issues the module aims to equip students with the conceptual tools and empirical knowledge to enable them to acquire a deeper and more nuanced understanding of contemporary international relations.” (コースシラバスより)

・感想: 19世紀から20世紀にわたる IRのセオリーの授業です。主に理論を中心にするのでアカデミックになりがちです。最終試験が無く、課題の結果で成績が決まるので試験が苦手な方にはお勧めします。

授業名:Global Governance (秋学期と春学期をかけて、2年生向けの選択科目、30単位)

・内容: “This two-semester module sets out to explore the changing dynamics of power from the perspectives of state, non-state and supra-state actors, institutions and networks. We are attempting to discover the extent to which a transformation in the power of such actors is occurring, both in terms of the shift from state-level to global politics, but also in the context of specific political realities: regime change, conflict resolution, state-building and reconstruction; environmental degradation and the proliferation of capital across peripheral states and the Global South. Semester A begins by critically analysing the historical evolution and conceptual meanings of several key concepts: globalisation, governance and global governance. There will then follow a detailed analysis of some of the core institutions of global governance, including the United Nations, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, International Courts and the World Trade Organisation. We will track the evolution of these organisations and assess the meaning of the transformations in their power over recent years. Semester B will further expand our field of exploration through analyses of some of non-governmental actors that increasingly populate the institutions of global governance and explain this understanding to issues of global governance. This will include an examination of the European Union as an example of how the nation-state has reworked its power since the onset of increased globalisation. We will then turn to non-state actors, in particular Transnational Corporations and NGOs, and pose the question of whether these actors represent new centres of power in global governance, or merely extend the state's power into private social spheres. We will then apply the knowledge developed over the first 15 weeks of the module to governing contemporary issues in global governance such as the environment, post-conflict reconstruction, health and refugees. The final part of the module therefore will situate our theoretical discussions and evaluations in a variety of case studies, aiming to see governance at work. The aim here is to examine how global governance is operationalised in a policy context, taking into account the effect this has on non-state actors.” (コースシラバスより)

・感想: この授業では国際関係がどうやってマネージされているのかを学びます。数々 の国際機関を勉強するので開発学に興味のある方には必然的です。

授業名:War and Security in World Politics (秋学期と春学期をかけて、2年生向けの選択科目、30単位)

・内容: “This module examines the study of war and security in world politics, investigating the development of the study of these phenomena and the key concerns surrounding them today. The module broadly surveys three interrelated issues: the connections between war, security and politics; war and socio/political change; and war and security as normative problems. The module first examines the historical dimensions of contemporary war and security issues. The theoretical roots of studying war and security are then introduced, examining key thinkers and perspectives on the politics of war and security. The weeks that follow look at a variety of different themes to do with war and security, from the changing character of war, through normative perspectives, to new security issues. Overall, the module gives a wide-ranging perspective on the role of war and security in contemporary international politics.” (コースシラバスより)

・感想: 戦争はなぜ起るのか。この質問を中心に戦争、保安に関わることを学びます。開発面から見て特に興味深いのは保安がどう開発に関係するのか、保安が無くては開発は進まないのか、など。

授業名: Spaces of Uneven Development (秋学期と春学期をかけて、School of Geography での2年生向けの選択科目、30単位)

・内容: ”Economic Geography and Development Geography continue to be separated by a sharp intra-disciplinary division of labour, with Economic Geographers largely confining their attention to geographies of ‘economies’ in the Global North, and Development Geographers to geographies of ‘development’ in the Global South. The purpose of this module, therefore, is to present some exciting ongoing and emerging research agendas in both sub-disciplines around issues of restructuring, employment, gender, industrialisation, resistance, institution building and related policy interventions. In so doing, the module seeks to encourage students to consider and explore commonalities of conceptual analysis, argument, empirical focus and method within, between and across Economic Geography and Development Geography as traditionally demarcated.”(コースシラバスより)

・感想: この授業では開発学と経済学をつなごうとします。『開発学は主に南に関するトピック」と思いがちなステレオタイプからブレークする事が出来るのでお勧めです。

4. 大学情報

Queen Mary はロンドンでは唯一のキャンパス式の大学です。授業、教授のオフィス、学部の事務所、図書館がすべて敷地内にあるので便利です。敷地の横には運河が流れていたり、近くに大きな公園があったりと市内でも自然を楽しむ事が出来ます。

Queen Mary では色々な人が色々な勉強をしています。ヨーロッパ、世界各国からの学生がいます。日本では出会うことが無い人と友達になる事が出来る、いい環境です。キャンパスはロンドンのイーストエンド、最近人気のあるHackneyの近くに位置しています。最寄り駅(Mile End)からロンドンの中心間でのアクセスがよく、(Picadilly, SoHoなど) 地下鉄で20分弱かかります。キャンパスの周りにはレストラン、カフェ、スーパー、パブなどが充実しているので寮に住んでいても、近くのフラットに住んでいても快適に過ごせます。

5. 留学をめざしている人へ一言
