
IDDP 座談会英国留学ぶっちゃけ会

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【日時】2024年4月21日(日) 10:00-11:30(BST), 18:00-19:30(JST)






・University of Cambridge 

 - Master of Law

・University of Essex 

 - MA International Development

・SOAS University of London 

 - MSc Migration, Mobility and Development

・London School of Economics and Political Science 

 - MSc International Development and Humanitarian Emergencies

 - MSc Human Resources and Organisations 修了

・University of Westminster 

 - MSc in Global Public Health Nutrition 修了

・University of Sussex 

   - MA Conflict, Security and Development

   - MA International Education and Development

   - IYO International Relations and International Development

・University of Brighton 

 - BA (Hons) Sport Studies




【申し込み締切】2024年4月17日 (水) 日本時間 23:59

 ※締切後にご登録頂いた方にZoom URLをお送りします。

【問い合わせ先】IDDP広報部 (iddp.uk@gmail.com)

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