「BA in International Relations」University of Sussex

(サセックス大学 「国際関係学 交換留学」)

池上 遥 (いけがみ はるか) さん


1. 自己紹介




国際関係学(以後、IRと表記)には7つのコースが提供されています。①IR ②IR and Sociology ③IR and Anthropology ④IR and Development ⑤IR and French ⑥IR and Italian ⑦IR and Spanish です。①のようにIRのみを専攻することもできますし、②~⑦のようにIRと他の科目を専攻することも可能です。



・授業名:Colonialism and After (秋学期、1年生向けの必須科目、15単位)

・内容:This module is an introduction to a range of key historical problems and conceptual questions relating to the colonial and postcolonial experiences. Focusing on the characteristics of capitalism, imperialism, and modernity, the module examines the making of the modern world. It provides an introduction to European expansion, the slave economy, the development of wage labour, industrial growth, imperialism, creation of the modern state, genocide, the idea of development, anticolonialism, and the creation of the `third world'. (コースシラバスより)


・授業名:Economic Perspectives on Development(秋学期、2年生向けの選択科目、15単位)

・内容:This module introduces students to how economics can be used to understand contemporary international development issues. Students will obtain a basic understanding of tools that economics uses to analyse and evaluate development questions. The emphasis is on analysing a topic and the nature of the problem, and policy responses, from both an economic and critical perspective. The module begins with a non-technical introduction to economics and then covers a set of topics, such as determinants of economic growth and the connection between growth, inequality and poverty, trade and trade policy, poverty reduction policies, the roles of corruption, legal and political institutions in economic development, agriculture, land and credit markets, the determinants and consequences of violent conflict and environment and development.(コースシラバスより)


・授業名:Introduction to International Relations (秋学期、1年生向けの必須科目、15単位)

・内容:This course introduces students to the academic study of international relations. The course outlines the specific characteristics of International Relations (IR) as a distinct scholarly discipline, separate from other disciplines such as politics or sociology. The course considers what has defined IR as a discipline and what constitutes its core conceptual and methodological coordinates at the present time. The course approaches these questions through a consideration of the historical development of IR through a series of conceptual and methodological debates. Classically these debates are conceived of as tracing a path from idealism via realism to a pluralist methodological position. Understanding these debates, the circumstances that have given rise to them, and the methods they have generated will give students a good orientation in the disciplinary terrain of IR that will help them in contextualizing the ideas they will encounter in the international theory courses in Years 1 and 2. (コースシラバスより)


・授業名:Social Change, Culture and Development(秋学期、2年生向けの選択科目、15単位)

・内容:This module starts from the observation that development is more than economic change and involves important social and cultural aspects. It begins with an interrogation of the way development practices and ideas are embedded in cultural contexts, and specifically how the development industry is historically and culturally entangled in Western conceptions of progress, rationality, and the individual. Against a view of culture as 'tradition' and an impediment to development we will examine different cultural conceptions of progress. This involves both alternate visions of future development as well as the negative impacts that development policies and interventions have on local people, communities and cultures. Questions of power and cultural relativism inevitably arise: what happens when different interests and commitments collide, and who or what determines the module development interventions take?(コースシラバスより)


・授業名:Health, Poverty and Inequality(春学期、2年生向けの選択科目、15単位)

・内容:This second year interdisciplinary module is concerned with issues of culture, power and knowledge in the study of health and development. It draws on perspectives from medical anthropology, medical sociology, public health, cultural psychology, feminist and activist politics and development studies to focus on the relationship between poverty, social marginality and illness in a variety of historical and contemporary contexts. Apart from a focus on emerging infectious diseases such as HIV and Aids, we also consider the implications of homelessness, mental health and organ donation for individual health and well-being. The scrutiny of health planning and policies, such as in the domain of maternal and child health, as well as the impact of an increasing intervention of medical technologies in healthcare delivery, are further important aspects of the module.(コースシラバスより)


・授業名:Gender and Development :Theory, Concepts & Issues(春学期、2年生向けの選択科目、15単位)

・内容:This module considers development processes in the light of how they are shaped by and impact upon gender dismodules and relations. The module introduces you to key concepts in the analysis of social relations between women and men in different cultural, economic and political contexts. This includes examining the nature of gender inequality and of the household as a social construct, and reviewing concepts of power and empowerment. While concerned with providing a theoretical and conceptual grounding by reviewing debates on the household and the gender division of labour, the module is organised around substantive and policy topics related to poverty, labour markets, women’s employment, migration, and globalisation.(コースシラバスより)


・授業名:Sociology of Education(春学期、2年生向けの選択科目、15単位)

・内容:The module will first explore historical and current theoretical concepts of education. It will then focus on: the hidden curriculum, the roles and behaviour of the teacher and the student, and higher education, its cultures and customers. We will end the module by looking at key debates related to education: the gender debates, the class debates, and the role of education as a cultural symbol.


・授業名: Sociology of Medicine and Health(春学期、2年生向けの選択科目、15単位)

・内容:To examine critically the relationship between the organisation of society and health outcomes, including the role of the state in providing medical provision in the UK and some other Western industrialized countries. Students will gain knowledge of issues relating to the control, organization and implications of health services, the pharmaceutical industry, government regulation of medicines safety, and issues around testing and control of medications. These organizations and technologies do not exist in a social vacuum, and the module also seeks to examine their interaction with other societal aspects such as the mass media and patient/consumer groups, via concepts such as (de-) professionalisation, medicalisation and pharmaceuticalisation.

Students will also gain understanding of the dominance of biomedicine and to the subsequent challenges to this domination through the contemporary transitions in health professions, the rise of alternative models, lay perspectives and user movements. The growing role of the alternative and complementary medicine agenda will be explored, as well as the sociology of death, dying and bereavement.

By focusing on published examples of empirical research, there will also be an emphasis on the social and political context and the practical and methodological implications of researching health and illness.(コースシラバスより)






私はキャンパス内にあるLewes Court (Phase1)に住んでいました。Phase1ではキッチン、トイレ、シャワーを6人で共有し、各々に個室が与えられます。(ちなみにPhase2ではキッチンのみ共有で、トイレとシャワーは個室についています)キャンパスには一年生と留学生が主に住むのですが、初めの頃はイギリスのパーティー文化に驚きました。週に何回か夜になるとフラットに集まってお酒を飲み、ほろ酔いになった頃にクラブへ繰り出し明け方に帰宅するのですが、友達との交流を楽しみつつもしっかりと勉強する彼らにとても感心しました。お酒の強い人は友達を作りやすいかもしれませんね。Lewes Courtは設備も寮の雰囲気も良い方なのでおすすめです。各寮によって特徴があるので、寮費や寮の雰囲気などを調べてみることをお薦めします。

