2012-2013年度 運営スタッフ


吉田 沙紀 Institute of Education (IOE), Univeersity of London / MA EID


波多野 衛 University of East Anglia (UEA) / MA Agriculture and Development

松栄 健介 King's College London (KCL) / Environment and Development


安藤 愛美 SOAS (the School of Oriental and African Studies)

稲田 史子 SOAS (the School of Oriental and African Studies)

/ Foundation Diploma

岡村 亜也子 London School of Economics (LSE) / MSc in Development


日高 将博 University of Birmingham / International Development


坂本 亜紀 London School of Economics (LSE)


加藤 貴義 London School of Economics (LSE)

/ MSc. Environmental Economics and Climate Change

川上 瞳 SOAS (the School of Oriental and African Studies)


白土 悠平 University of Sussex, 京都大学


水野 太郎 University of Portsmouth / MSc Crisis and Disaster Management


池上 遥 University of Sussex, ICU / International Development and Economics

伊豆 彩 University of Sussex / MA in Migration Studies

福本 将士 London School of Economics (LSE)

/ MSC Environment and Development


加曽利 みき University of Sussex

樋口 舞 University of Sussex / MA in Migration Studies

藤田 美保 University of Sussex / BA International Relations and Development


幡 寿世 University of Sussex / MA Human Rights

藤田 真由美 University of Sussex

前田 翔 INTO University of East Anglia / Post Graduate


三澤 真美 University of Sussex

皆元 理恵 University of Sussex / MA Globalisation and Development