1 Models Versus Reality

[I2SIA P2 P&S] L01 C1 - Models Versus Reality

Explaining Key features of Models and how they relate to reality -- SURPRISINGLY, there is a HUGE number of misconceptions about this in the literature.

Lec 01: Concept 1 Explained in Following 6 Slides:

S1: Models SIMPLIFY reality

S2: Models map complex reality to simple understandable structures, which allow calculations and other manipulations.

S3: Models as Metaphors -- Identifying two objects which are ENTIRELY different.

S4: The Necessity of Using Models: Even though models are ALWAYS wrong, we MUST use models to understand reality. There is no option. .

S5: The Dangers of Models: Models Highlight somethings IGNORE others, and generally DISTORT reality

S6: Confusing Models with Reality

Adv Micro L20: Methodology — Two Part Lecture -- Second Part deals with Models & Reality. Links to Video Lecture.

Video-Lecture on Models & Reality — OVERLAPS with material covered here -- some material here is NOT COVERED in video lecture, which also emphasizes some aspects mentioned only briefly here.