L1 Random Samples

Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:

The Messenger of Allah(ﷺ) said, "He who does not acquire knowledge with the sole intention of seeking the Pleasure of Allah but for worldly gain, will not smell the fragrance of Jannah on the Day of Resurrection."

[Abu Dawud].

At the start of a lesson, we must purify our intentions, and seek knowledge in order to use it for the service of mankind, for the sake of the pleasure of Allah. For more details see: Principles of Islamic Pedagogy.

Lecture 1

Random Samples


  1. Models Versus Reality
  2. Populations
  3. Random Draws from Population
  4. Simple Random Samples
  5. Law of Large Numbers

Al-Biruni was among those who laid the foundation for modern trigonometry. He was a philosopher, geographer, astronomer, physicist and mathematician. Six hundred years before Galileo, Al-Biruni discussed the theory of the earth rotating about its own axis.

Al-Biruni carried out geodesic measurements and determined the earth's circumference in a most ingenious way. With the aid of mathematics, he enabled the direction of the Qibla to be determined from anywhere in the world.

In the domain of trigonometry, the theory of the functions; sine, cosine, and tangent was developed by Muslim scholars of the tenth century. Muslim scholars worked diligently in the development of plane and spherical trigonometry. The, trigonometry of Muslims is based on Ptolemy's theorem but is superior in two important respects: it employs the sine where Ptolemy used the chord and is in algebraic instead of geometric form.

Ahadeeth on Knowledge from Riaz-us-Saleheen

Comprehension quiz — Self practice quiz on Random Sampling

Muslim Mathematicians — Excerpt about AL-Bairuni