
Allah the Exalted said:

وَقُل رَّبِّ زِدْنِي عِلْمًا

Say: My Lord, increase me in knowledge.

Surah TaHa 20:114

Intro to Statistics; An Islamic Approach

Part 1: Descriptive Data Analysis:

This part of of this course deal purely with data analysis, without any probabilistic methods.

The link above takes you to part 1.

This website contains Part II of the course -- designed in a new and different way.

PART II: Fundamental of Probability: UNIVARIATE CASE

This part consists of 6 Lectures, designed for self-study. Each lecture is broken down into FIVE concepts. Each concepts is explained by using FIVE slides. One lecture can be covered in one week, by covering one concept every day Mon-Fri. Weekends can be used for solving problems (to be designed). That way, in six weeks you can cover the whole course. This course covers a huge amount of relevant materials, and will give you special and crucial skills for further work in econometrics.

This course is especially designed for econometricians.

The key difference between ours and the conventional approach lies in our assumption that objective and subjective factors cannot be separated. Statistical analysis depends crucially on the real world context, and qualitative and quantitative considerations must be blended to arrive at reasonable inferences. This contrasts with the conventional approach which separates statistical considerations from subject matter knowledge, and assumes that the two types of analyses can be considered in isolation. The essential of this approach were illustrates in the first part of this course, which deals with descriptive statistics. This second part deals mostly with the technical apparatus required to make calculations, but it also introduces several novel ideas in terms of how we understand probability and statistical models, radically differenct from conventional ones.

This course introduces an entirely new definition of probability, based on the idea of a metaphor-model. An explanation of why standard approaches based on the objectivist/frequentist as well as the subjectivist/Bayesian definitions are wrong is available from Revisiting the Foundations of Probability. These lessons are meant to start from scratch and provide a beginning student with a coherent and clear approach to probability directly tied to intuition and the real world. The metaphor-model is Islamic in the sense that it is compatible with the possibility of pre-destination where no genuine uncertainty exists in the real world. But it is also compatible with free will. Also, the course is Islamic in the sense that it incorporates Islamic views on what knowledge is and how and why it should be acquired. The radical differences between Western approaches to knowledge and Islamic views are presented in the following 45 minute You-Tube Video which is also the first lecture of the full course, starting with Part 1. The Part 2 is INDEPENDENT of Part 1, in the sense that concepts used there are covered again where required, so that one can start from the first lecture here without the background knowledge of Part 1.

To access restricted reference materials for this course, including Peter Kennedy's Guide to Econometrics you must first join AZ Research Group. Then follow the link to: IIIE Library

For a listing of other online courses see: ONLINE COURSES

Introduction to Statistics: An Islamic Approach -- PART II -- Probability and Statistics


  1. L01: Random Samples
  2. L02: Bernoulli Sequences
  3. L03: Discrete Random Variables
  4. L04: Continuous Random Variables
  5. L05: Expectations, Moments, and MGF
  6. L06: Central Limit Theorem
  7. L07: Transition: Multivariate
  8. L08: Multivariate
  9. L09: Applications