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Gerrye Wong describes the Chinese American Historical Museum located in San Jose, California.

She explains in the video that the temple is a replica of the original, but she doesn't explain what happened to the original.

There were six Chinatowns in San Jose, CA in the early days of California. Today there are none.

The Burning of San Jose Chinatown 1887

1. Historical background to the burning

The writer Jean Pfaelzer in her book "Driven Out: The Forgotten War Against Chinese" reveals how the Chinese in San Jose's Chinatown were not passive victims but proactive actors fighting to preserve home and hearth.

On page 237 she writes

" 1883 Chinatown had organized its own volunteer fire department., equipped with ladders and buckets, and rehearsed its fire brigades. But at three o'clock on the afternoon of May 4, 1887, most of the Chinese had gone to a gambling house to hear the announcement of the lottery winner. No one was there to witness the arson in Ah Toy alley....the San Jose Evening News reported, "with superhuman efforts" the city's Alert Hose Fire Company "saved the ground on which Chinatown was located and prevented the spread of fire to the surrounding buildings"....Even aided by the mayor and some city councilmen, the Chinese fire brigade was unable to check the flames because someone had drained the Chinese water tank. It was not by chance that during the two weeks preceding the blaze prominent white business owners in Chinatown had added heavily to their fire insurance."

— Submitted January 5, 2010, by Jordan Yee AKA "Ranger Yee" of Fremont, California.


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Hawaiian dance


There is a Japantown in San Jose, San Francisco and Los Angles, CA. In Los Angles it's called Little Tokyo.



There is a Vietnam Town in San Jose, CA