
genealogy sites

ShtetLinks: Dokshitz and Parafianov, Belorussia (Belarus)

yizkor book

English Translation

original Hebrew-Yiddish

National Yiddish Book Center. To purchase a copy of the original Hebrew and Yiddish Yizkor book by e-mailing or calling 413-256-4900 x196.

Yad VaShem's Pages of Testimony. Yad Vashem collects the names of Holocaust victims For Dokshitsy, type "Dokshitsy," or for Parafianov type "Parafianova" in the location field

Yahad in Unum docouments killing sites of Jews and Roma in the former Soviet Union.

"By learning from the past and educating in the present, we work to prevent genocide and mass killings in the future." B B B y learning from the past and educating in the present, we work to prevent genocide and mass killings in the futurey learning from the past and educating in the present, we work to prevent genocide and mass killings in the futurelearning from the past and educating in the present, we work to prevent genocide and mass killings in the futur

Dokshitsy district


map by mapquest

map by Dokshitsy district

Family web sites



