Letter Demeshko

Republic of Belarus

Dokshitsy Regional Magistrate

October 22, 2007

Dear Aaron Ginsburg :

Dokshitsy Regional Magistrate asks for your help in the reconstruction of the Jewish Cemetery in the town of Dokshitsy.

During the WWII, in May 1941, Germans killed about 3000 to 3500 Jews, who were buried at the Mayakovsky Street.In 1964 in accordance with the Decree by Dokshitsy Regional Magistrate the Jewish Cemetery was eliminated. In 1965 in the place of the Jewish Cemetery a park was planted.In 2005 during repair works on Pionersky Street some grave stones previously covered by soil were discovered. Dokshitsy Regional Magistrate considers it is necessary to preserve the remnants of the Jewish Cemetery: to beautify the place, to install a memorial.Work on the reconstruction has been started, however financial resources are needed to continue the work. We ask for your financial help in the beautification of the place of the former Cemetery. We hope for your support and understanding in the intention to create a Memorial to the hundreds of Jewish citizens of Dokshitsy.Vice - Chairman S.M. Demeshko