Letter to Dokshitsy May 9 2007

The Friends of Jewish Dokshitsy Inc. A Massachusetts non-profit corporation formed to perpetuate the memory of the Jewish communities of Dokshitsy, Parafianov, and nearby villages.Aaron Ginsburg, President and Treasurer, Richard Fein, Clerk, Ruthann Ruthchild, Noah Horowitz, directors.address: c/o Aaron Ginsburg, 43 Ames St. Sharon, Massachusetts 02067 USAweb site: www.jewishdokshitsy.orgE-mail:info@jewishdokshitsy.orgVice-Chairman G. N. PortyankoDokshitsy District Executive Committee of the District Soviet of People's Deputies211720 Dokshitsy Lenina 31Belarus

May 9, 2007

Dear Vice-Chairman Portyanko,

I am the President of The Friends of Jewish Dokshitsy, Inc. Speaking for thousands of descendants of the Jewish residents of the Dokshitsy area I want to work with you and the current residents to care for the Jewish cemetery in the best way, "so that all of our actions do not seem to be blasphemy regarding the buried and also to correct a mistake that was done many years ago," and to work on other projects to preserve the memory of Dokshitsy's Jewish community. This may include recognizing with a

monument that Jewish residents were killed because they were Jews, assuring that the site of the Shoah (Holocaust) is safeguarded, landscaping around the memorial in Parafianov, and other mutually agreed upon projects.

In spite of any previous communications, in accordance with Jewish religious law (Halacha) the right thing to do is to restore the entire cemetery to it's original state. Even if Jewish law did not require it, this would still be the correct course of action. My ancestors for at least 150 years were buried in Dokshitsy. We owe it to them and the other members of the Jewish community of Dokshitsy and Parafianov to restore the cemetery in a dignified way. When an appropriate plan is in place, my organization will move forward promptly, together with the Dokshitsy government and citizens, to get

the job done.

I would like to discourage any attempt to move the tombstones. They are very fragile and could easily be destroyed or damaged. When the cemetery project starts, professionals should be hired to re-erect, clean, restore and move the stones if necessary.

The Jewish presence in Dokshitsy lasted for several hundred years, and I hope the dispersed remnants and descendants of the Jewish community will be able to participate in Dokshitsy's upcoming 750th anniversary celebration, and am eager for your suggestions as to how to do so.

I would be glad to communicate with you directly in the future. E-mail would be easier, but I do have a fax number. I can arrange to translate anything you might send.


Aaron Ginsburg

Sharon, Massachusetts, USA