Donation Form

Use this form to help The Friends of Jewish Dokshitsy save our history. I will help save our Jewish heritage with a gift of:

o $100 o $250 o $500 o $1000 o $ ____other

Name _________________________________________________________________

Address _______________________________________________________________

City ___________________ State ______ Zip/Post Code __________ Country_______

Phone: Home/work _______________________________ mobile ______________________ skype________________


May we list you as a contributor? o Yes- Listing Preference ______________________ My donation is in memory / honor of ______________________________________ Send acknowledgment card to: __________ _____________________________________________________

Mail a check with this form to:

The Friends of Jewish Dokshitsy, Inc.

c/o Aaron Ginsburg

101 Chestnut St E1 DL

Foxboro, MA USA


All donations are exempt from United States Federal Income Tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

The Friends of Jewish Dokshitsy, Inc.

c/o Aaron Ginsburg

101 Chestnut St E1 DL

Foxbor, MA 02035 USA

Phone:617-640-0606 e-mail: skype: aaron.ginsburg
