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"It's human nature to want to do something good. It's also human nature to want to make a splash, if not on one's own than through someone else. We often look for experts or celebrities or saints to guide us so we can be part of their splash, and collectively accomplish something BIG.We can't all be Elie Weisel or Albert Schweitzer or Gandhi.

It is important to respond to hurricanes and earthquakes. Yet we can, surprisingly, go much much further by merely owning our own decisions. We take on or join in a small nameless task; one we became aware of, perhaps only by chance. We didn't seek it out, it didn't really seek us out either. We can only spend a little time and effort on it as well. It won't make us famous - or rich - or be a great tax deduction - or anything else. It won't cure cancer, or solve global warming, nothing that grand. A small corner of world might be the better for it, that's all. I feel these are the strongest deeds and are our only legacy, even if it be unknown. They are right to do, only because they are right to do and nothing more." Nathan Kohn,Brookline, MA

Support The Friends of Jewish Dokshitsy

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Do you want to donate from a Family or other foundation, corporation, or to qualify for employer matching. Go Here. Here is information about wiring money. Live in Great Britain? Go here. South Africa? contact us

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Mail a check with this form to:

The Friends of Jewish Dokshitsy

c/o Aaron Ginsburg

16 Jessica Drive Apt E

Stoughton, MA 02072


Or use paypal

and use this secure fill-able form *All donations are exempt from United States Federal Income Tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Questions or comments: Phone: 781-269-1492


skype: aaron.ginsburg
