wiring money

Contact us for instructions!

Additional information: info@jewishdokshitsy.org

Please return the following form by mail or e-mail to The Friends of Jewish Dokshitsy, c/o Aaron Ginsburg, 101 Chestnut St E1 DL, Foxboro, MA 02035 USA

I have wired a donation of ________ to the Citizen's Bank account of The Friends of Jewish Dokshitsy. My name is ___________________________ Address: ______________ ______________________________________ Phone: ___________________ E-mail: ______________________

May we list you as a contributor? _____ (The amount will not be posted) Is your donation in honor or memory of some one? Provide their name ___________________. Would you like a card sent on your behalf to the honoree? Supply address: _____________________________________ Comments: _________________________________________________________



This from may also be e-mailed to info@jewishdokshitsy.org