Noah's Blog

First Blog

This summer I will be learning from Bryce while he conducts his project creating a membrane reactor through which to run H2, in order to fuel a car. From the words of Bryce, "The ultimate goal of the proposed work is to make the process efficient and adequately compact for placement on-board vehicles." I hope to eventually end up in the lab to learn and grasp the real world applications of the theoretical calculations that I have read about in Bryce's proposal. I have never worked in a "professional" lab before, so it will be a once in a lifetime experience. Bryce and I have not worked out all of the details yet. The last few days I have been doing research and working on gaining a better understanding of why he chose the project and how, if successful, it could impact people's every day lives. For the next few days, I am going to be furthering my research of the logistics and how this on-board vehicle will work in the real world. The questions include; what to do with, and how to release the CO2, locations of fueling stations in America, and how much it would cost to own an on-board vehicle. Once I more fully understand the scientific, environmental and social aspects of a H2 fueled on-board vehicle, I look forward to working more hands-on in the lab.