Thomas's Blog

Imagine you are setting sail tomorrow on an expedition around the world. You are sailing on a flat 15 square foot raft and you are given nothing but a fishing pole. Food is not an issue but a source of potable water is. Samuel Coleridge's famous line of prose, "Water, water, everywhere, nor any drop to drink." pops into your head. BUT WAIT. You are now told that you can bring a device that will allow you to create potable drinking water. The question remains, "What do I bring?"

This is where my research comes into play. I am answering the question of what to bring. There are several factors that need to be recognized like what device will be most efficient and require the least amount of skill to use. Another factor is the longevity of the device, you need to use it to create at least 2 liters of water every single day for as long as your journey around the world takes.

Several techniques that I am researching include Reverse Osmosis, Electrodialysis, Multiple Stage Flash, and Multiple Effect Distillation.

Qualifications for a distillery — Jul 27, 2012 4:48:13 PM