Lilia's Blog

Hi, my name is Lilia Barragan and this is my second summer here at Stanford. These first few weeks have been amazing, even though most of it is not new, I still enjoy it.

There are a few new things I have tried working with. Like the acid bath where dished are left so they are assured to be clean afterwards because the acid would dissolve any metals or other stuff.

I also got to see an experiment where there were samples but they were controls and they looked different. It was interesting to see the different shade of the color orange and we expected them to be the same. have ground up several samples of soil to prepare them for some soil extractions. The soil extractions are to look at the different pools of Arsenic the soil has absorbed, which would then be absorbed by plants. The concern is that they would be taken up into the rice plants which most people get their diet from in Cambodia. The concern would be that the Arsenic would have harmful effects. To actually do something about this we have to know exactly where the problems are.

pH of soils — Jul 27, 2012 4:39:08 PM