
Post date: Jul 10, 2013 1:53:36 AM

This summer thus far, has been an incredibly experience! Being able to work at Stanford University as an intern is more than I could ask for, and the work matches the caliber of such a university in both depth, enjoyability, and intelligence. I have been able to work in both the Carnegie Institute and the Green Earth Sciences buildings in two separate labs (due to certain circumstances that arose), and both have been a blast! The people in the labs are friendly and helpful (and always willing to point a clueless intern in the right direction) and each person has a great sense of humor, which makes working in the labs both interesting and enjoyable.

The work I am doing and that other interns are doing are incredibly interesting and also incredibly relevant as well; researching something for the sake of knowing about it is a worthwhile pursuit, but when doing this expands our knowledge of pressing geologic issues that are pressing on the doors of civilization at the same time, things become so much more important. I definitely look forward to looking into organic chlorine compounds and their role in the chlorine cycle and ozone destruction throughout this summer.

We have done workshops on using geographic imaging systems, which are a fantastic gateway into a new technology that will most probably alter all of future technology, as one of our little side events. We've also visited the beautiful Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve.

I hope that this can continue throughout summer!