
C ADP Potential (angular dependent potential)

Latest: C.lammps.adp (07/12/2017)  coming soon (

            also available in the ITAP imd format 

Potential formalism 

potenital formalism 

potential funciton profiles: pair function, density function, embedding function, dipole function, and quardrupole function

First-principles database for C-ADP development

Method potfit force-matching code 

Computational cost of C-ADP in simulating carbon (amorphous, density = 3.0 g/cc) 

See LAMMPS benchmarks:


Other C interatomic potentials within the literature

Potential Validation 

Crystal equation of state: comparisons between ADP and DFT calculations


See below for more details of each structure. 

Applications of C-ADP   (Lammps examples)

  Graphene ripples

  Phonon dispersion curves


  C60 crystal


  Graphite out-of-plane MSD

  Graphite melting

A.I.Savvatimskiy, Measurements of the melting point of graphite and the properties of liquid carbon (a review for 1963–2003), Carbon 43, 1115 (2005)


  Diamond melting 

  Nano-twinned diamond 

  Diamond nucleation from the melt

  M-carbon nucleation

  Shock-induced graphite-to-diamond transformation

          D. Kraus, et al., Nanosecond formation of diamond and lonsdaleite by shock compression of graphite, Nat. Comm. 7, 10970 (2016) 

          N. Pineau, Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Shock Compressed Graphite, J. Phys. Chem. C17, 12778, (2013)

  Liquid carbon

  Glassy carbon  (types I and II)

  Amorphous diamond

  Graphite-to-Diamond transition pathways


Carbon Phase Diagram 

Allotropes of Carbon Simulated with C-ADP