Episode 4

"The Oregon Journal published this Dec. 20, 1939 photograph, of automobiles being used to stop bank erosion on the Willamette River. Photographer and historian Ben Maxwell worked for the Journal. The photograph’s caption stated that while the government was building revetments (reinforcements made with rock and wood bulkheads) for some Polk County farmers, the owner of the pictured property had built his own with old cars."

The podcast is here...

This fifth podcast, by JD Chandler, sheds more light on Mrs. Anna Schrader and what may have happened to her, after her mysterious disappearance in late March 1946, from Portland Oregon.

JD Chandler, JB Fisher, Don DuPay and Theresa Griffin Kennedy discuss some of the facts and speculate further on what might have happened to Schrader when she suddenly wound up missing from Portland, Oregon. Listen to the discussion here and learn more about some of the details. Enjoy.

The podcast is here...