The Training Planet

The Training Planet We Call Earth; could it be?

Published online, October 4, 2017

            Have you ever contemplated the momentous social and political problems facing humanity, today? Do you wonder why, after thousands of years mankind has not solved problems like:  prostitution, drug addiction, homelessness, racism or slavery?

The genius IQ allegedly begins at 140, we are told there are millions of people worldwide who are that intelligent. However, the brilliance of people like Einstein, Newton or Hawkins is said to be quite rare. Suffice it to say, there are a lot of smart people on the planet, but not very many brilliant people who seem able to solve all our problems. 

There are more wars and threats of war now than ever before, it seems. There also exists more worldwide famine as well, with millions dying each year from starvation and preventable disease. Why can't humanity make progress happen in the here and now? Are the smart people failing the common man and woman? Is the world overpopulated?

            Thousands of people in today’s world exist as slaves bound to lives of hardship and continuous work. They live in the Middle East, and other parts of the world. They are victims of one extremist religious group or another. Male slaves work as domestic servants, laborers, soldiers, while female slaves work as concubines, servants and even sexual slaves. The sexual slaves are bought at “human trafficking” auctions arranged on the dark web.

When some sex slaves have gotten too old or outlived their usefulness, they are killed and even sometimes fed to hungry animals. The word slave and prisoner are often interchangeable and indistinguishable from each other. Does this all sound strange or too bizarre to be true? Remember, an extreme view or practice is merely one not commonly shared by the mainstream. Extreme points of view or practices are just a different point of view, but they are extreme by their nature and sometimes an extreme point of view or practice may seem normal or even acceptable after a while. When thinking about human slavery, one must consider that there are more slaves now, worldwide than ever existed in the American South during the American slave trade. Many people don't know this but it is time people were made aware.

            When we consider the social ill of slavery, we have to also ask ourselves about the racism that has been the direct result of slavery and its abolition. Have the problems of racism been solved in America, reduced, and obliterated? Did the American Civil War (1861-1865) actually free black men and women in America? Are African Americans any better off today than they were fifty years ago? Most people say yes, though many also say no. 

            Prostitution is often referred to as “the oldest profession” and sometimes even a “victim-less crime.” It is currently also referred to as “sex trafficking.” It has existed for thousands of years in one form or another. As a young Vice cop in Portland Oregon in the 1960's part of my job was to arrest prostitutes. I was reluctant to lie to women working as prostitutes, telling them I was a lumberjack or plywood mill worker in order to trap them. It didn't seem right to me. I wondered why someone a lot smarter than me hadn't figured out a solution a couple thousand years ago to the problem of prostitution so I wouldn't have to worry about it and arrest a lot of unhappy isolated women as I was expected to do. 

Pragmatically, thousands of dollars in police resources are spent trying to solve this often unsolvable problem. Men and woman will always engage in sex for free or for pay. Daily I dealt with the reality of heroin and cocaine addiction and the prostitution, burglary, purse snatching, and armed robbery it caused. It is now fifty odd years later and heroin addiction is more rampant than ever before in my home town of Portland. Is drug addiction yet another unsolvable problem?  

            Thousands of homeless are crowded into refugee camps all over America, Europe and the Middle East. Millions are homeless worldwide. America is teeming with them. Tent cities and so called “Dignity Villages,” are crowding onto unused strips of land near freeways and overpasses. This land with no running water or sanitary facilities is becoming toxic with human and animal waste. Pop up tents and blue plastic tarps are now the accouterments of permanent housing for many. The diseases that follow lack of sanitation travel from one homeless camp to another and then into the mainstream urban populations. San Diego now fights an alarming outbreak of Hepatitis A with power washers, bleach and vaccinations.  Is this a sign of the times, this homelessness epidemic? It is the tip of the iceberg for yet another unsolvable problem? 

            Consider this: perhaps these momentous problems were never intended to be solved here, on our planet. Perhaps Earth is merely a spiritual training planet. Could planet Earth be the University of Hard Knocks where such problems are on the curriculum: War, Homelessness, Addiction and Prostitution? Could it be that only a few people may attend this university and graduate to a state of cosmopolitanism where humans see their fellow man and woman not in colors, or genders, or shapes but only as diverse humans who are all wonderfully different and valued as such? 

            I believe Gandhi, the Dali Lama, and Malcolm X achieved cosmopolite status as well as President Jimmy Carter and Martin Luther King Jr. I admire Desmond Tutu and Nelson Mandela for their inspiration and enlightenment and believe they too, have achieved this awareness. Few men will do the right thing to their own detriment as did Mandela, Gandhi, and Malcolm X. I'm sure they are all graduates of this University of Hard Knocks.

            Could planet Earth be one of at least two populated planets in the universe? Logically there must exist at least two planets, and some believe there are many more. Beings we call aliens or extraterrestrials have been watching us ever since primitive man could scratch crude depictions of them on cave walls. Their physical description is generally depicted identically by different people in different nations across the world. They are described as being about four feet tall, pale grey in skin tone, with huge conical heads, large oval black eyes and small nostrils and mouths. If they have been described by so many different cultures as having the same physical description over at least the past 200 years, then they must be watching us. 

            And these beings must also be mortal in the sense that they can die and do not live forever. The aliens who crashed at Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 and were recovered by secret US military sources were said to have died. Dead bodies of these beings, who didn't come from our solar system were spirited away by the US Army as was their crashed vehicle. One can't help but wonder if on this other planet there is a marker or a memorial wall with the names inscribed of the extraterrestrial pilots who died in Roswell. There must also be a mother whose offspring left their planet and never returned.

            I believe the aliens have not come to steal our resources. As far as we know, they have not taken our gold, our oil or drained the oceans of our salt water, nor have they expressed any desire to eat us as a food source. They come and go at will and we are powerless to stop them. The sightings occur on a yearly basis and witnesses who have seen them swear what they saw was genuine and not a hallucination or figment of their imagination. 

            These beings must be benevolent observers because they have not killed us and some of us realize they certainly could do so. Perhaps the simplest lesson of all in my theory of our planet being a kind of “University of Hard Knocks” for spiritual or moral development is not obvious to any perceived curriculum of sorts which currently exists. Perhaps the message exists hidden in the syllabus way down on the last page. Perhaps that lesson is simply, always do the right thing and treat others as you would wish to be treated.  

            In 1951 when I was all of fifteen, I watched the popular film The Day the Earth Stood Still at the Hollywood Theater in Portland Oregon. Towards the end of the film, after much excitement and unexpected events, I sat in rapt attention watching the tall thin actor Michael Rennie walk down the platform of the prop spaceship, playing his part as a space extraterrestrial.

Behind the main character Klaatu, played by Rennie, stood the imposing figure of what appeared to be an enormous iron clad robot named Gort. In the film, both figures stand looking at the gathering crowd, but not speaking. When the tension becomes unbearable, Klaatu tells the Earthlings … “The people of Earth must now live peacefully or be destroyed as a danger to other planets.” Maybe that is what may happen here on planet Earth. Are we humans the mischievous kid in the chemistry class? Are we in trouble for making one bomb too many? For detonating those bombs and killing hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians, due to military and political conflict? 

Is the genocide that we perpetuate offending other life forms on other planets? Are we becoming that threat Klaatu spoke about in the film The Day the Earth Stood Still? Is man's inhumanity to man presenting a danger to others in our and their solar systems? Are we not graduating enough cosmopolites to save the earth from our own brutal and savage natures? Does this interplanetary report card read “Does not play well with others?” 

By Don DuPay

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