Too Many People on Planet Earth?

Published to the world wide web, May 21, 2017. 

By Don DuPay

            Are there too many people on our fragile blue planet? How many is too many? Who gets to decide? Well of course there are too many people. You realize this when you're stuck in traffic, bumper to bumper, breathing the exhaust fumes from the cars idling around you, and hoping for escape. You wonder why all these people aren't at work or at home taking care of their kids, washing the laundry, surfing the Internet.

            You wonder if the traffic will ever get moving; looking at your watch knowing you're going to be late for work, again. Don't cops ever direct traffic anymore? When did that stop, and why? You decide the guy two cars ahead of you should turn down his music so his base doesn't vibrate your windshield loose. You hope that he does, before you end up throwing the last bite of your hot dog at his back window. You're getting mad. Over population is giving you road rage. And you're not the only one.

            The Elites: But really, are there just too many people for the planet? Will we ever be able to build enough freeways to accommodate the cars we drive? Is there enough water for all the people to be healthy? Can we grow enough food? Or are we doomed by our own successful proliferation? The elites seem to think so and long ago they set the “ideal” world population at 500,000,000. That's only five hundred million, folks. It seems like a lot, but the world exceeded that small number centuries ago. The world population clock has the present population at about 9 billion. In the early 1970's, the world population was at around 4 billion. That's quite a rapid increase.

            Whichever group of elites decided that 500 million was the ideal world population must have been confused because that figure was exceeded in around 1600, BCE. The planet has obviously survived with a modicum of success, to the present day figure of around 9 billion. The elites may have a legitimate concern about world population, and some claim that this concern goes back some sixty years or more. But this focus on solving the world overpopulation problem appears, to some, as a front for a more sinister agenda. We have only to look at these people, the elites, and what they have been quoted as saying and what they have been suspected of doing, to get a true picture of their evil perspective and potentially evil intent.

            In a January 16, 1991 speech, George Bush Senior used the term a “New World Order” to describe his ideas on the ideal world, a kind of utopia that he wished to make manifest. I remember listening to that very speech and immediately wondered just who would be in charge of this New World Order?  He didn't say but I got the impression that he wanted to be the one in charge.

            More Troubling Quotes: Some quotes George Bush Senior has made famous are: “Read my lips: no new taxes.” and “I have opinions of my own, strong opinions, but I don't always agree with them.” (What does that even mean?) and “I'm a conservative, but I'm not a nut about it.” George Bush Senior is currently 92. It is unlikely he will ever live long enough to be in charge of this New World Order.

            Among the list of elites there is also Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh. Phillip, born in Greece, winds up as the Duke of Edinburgh in England by marrying his third cousin Elizabeth who later becomes the Queen of England. This man, born a royal and with a silver spoon in his mouth is famous for saying “If I were reincarnated, I would wish to be returned to Earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.” What kind of man even thinks things so evil? In saying this, he is admitting he condones mass murder. Phillip is also quoted as saying, “I don't think a prostitute is more moral than a wife, but they are doing the same thing.” Does this mean he considers his wife, the Queen of England a mere prostitute?  He's also quoted as saying “When a man opens a car door for his wife, it's either a new car or a new wife.” I can't help thinking Queen Elizabeth must have cringed at the wife-prostitute quote. Prince Phillip is now 95. He may have a chance to reincarnate soon. But maybe the prince will come back as a toad.

            This leads us to the irascible and blatantly corrupt Henry Kissinger. He is the most widely quoted and blatantly evil elitist on any list of evil elitists. The single most character defining of his quotes is: “The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer.” With this quote he is an admitted criminal and sociopath.  He goes on to say, “Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.” This shows us he thinks he is above the law and the constitution and demonstrates that his character is a perversion of all that is good and right in a man of honor or integrity.

            He is further quoted as saying, “It's not a matter of what's true that counts but a matter of what is perceived to be true.” To Henry Kissinger the truth is not important, but his lies are. Kissinger even goes so far as to disdain the military when he said, “Military men are dumb stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy.” Apparently Kissinger has never lost a loved one to a single war. The elderly he merely dismisses as “useless eaters.” He has now joined that club. He is now in the age group of the very people he once described as “useless eaters.” These include authors, artists, poets, lawyers, therapists and doctors, along with the humble older people who are simply our loved ones. The wise men and women of the world, who impart their wisdom to those who value it.

            Henry Kissinger has been the confidant and close advisor to many other elites over the past sixty years. These include, Barak Obama, Madeline Albright, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, George Bush Senior and Junior, Ronald Reagan, Gerald Ford, and even Richard Nixon. Do we know a person by their associates and the company they keep?

            More Kissinger quotes include: “Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people. Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world. The world population needs to be decreased by 50%.” So, who plans on doing this and how? Through mass sterilization or merely mass genocide?


Former member of the British Parliament, George Galloway has this to say about Henry Kissinger: “Henry Kissinger is the greatest living war criminal in the world today, with the blood of millions of people in Vietnam and Cambodia and Laos and Chile and East Timor on his hands. He will never appear in a court or be behind bars.” Henry Kissinger is 93. He also will likely not live to see the New World Order he wishes to be a part of in his lifetime.

            The Georgia Guide-stones: In June 1979 a man identifying himself as R.C.Christian, described as well dressed and articulate, visited the office of the Elberton Granite Finishing Company in Elbert County Georgia. He said he represented a group of men who “wanted to offer direction to humanity.” Still today no one knows his given birth name or the names of the other men he purported to represent. These forever anonymous individuals have engraved ten messages for humanity. One cannot escape the awareness that at the core of these messages is a calculated elitism. The Georgia Guide-stones say:


1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. Here we see the 500 million figure again, an obviously arbitrary number and long ago surpassed, even when the guide stones were erected in 1979. This insinuates a radical and sinister reduction in present world population. But who goes first and how?


2. Guide reproduction wisely—improving  fitness and diversity. This sounds like an innocuous and desirable goal but has been proven in all of nature not to solely exist.


3.  Unite humanity with a living new language. Creating a new language would contribute to destroying both history and culture and the hundreds of thousands of languages that currently exist. It would also prove to be extremely difficult due to the fluid and independent energy that language acquisition demonstrates in the social world of man. In the late 1980's, the constructed language of Esperanto was widely pushed as a new easy language for all to learn. Furthermore, the new language proponents of Esperanto claimed you could keep your native language, if you wanted. Esperanto never took off, though. The logistics and simple math of creating a sole world language proved to be an astronomically difficult feat to achieve. Language is embedded within the human mind and memory, and represents in a way, the permanent singularity of each human iris. There are only certain times when young people can assimilate language and it cannot be taught successfully to people of a certain age.  The guide stones themselves are engraved in eight different languages, so their claim of creating a single language is proven moot by their own creation of the Georgia Guide-stones, themselves. 


4.  Rule passion—faith—tradition and all things with tempered reason. This sounds both reasonable and innocuous and can be found in any book on moderate religion or philosophy.


5.  Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts. This rule implies new laws and a new court system, given the corruption of the American and European judicial systems. This is also a standard value, pushed by most nations and throughout history.


6.  Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court. A new world court? Who is in charge of it? How is this logistically possible? Who will govern and who will fund it?


7.  Avoid petty laws and useless officials. Who gets to determine which laws are petty and which officials are useless?


8.  Balance personal rights with social duties. What does this mean? And will anyone be punished if they cannot perform? Does this exclude those with physical disabilities? And how?


9.  Prize truth—beauty—love—seeking harmony with the infinite. This is pure rhetoric and smacks of religion. But which religion?


10. Be not a cancer on the earth—leave room for nature—leave room for nature.  Also rhetoric, which is questionable. What is a cancer upon the earth? The un-employable? The mentally ill? Those with disabilities? Women? Gays? Prison inmates?

The overall tone of the guide stones messages and values is implicitly sinister. To establish a new world government would mean paring the world population to 500 million and would require the extermination of nine-tenths of the world's population. Perhaps the most sinister element about these individuals is that they feel qualified to inform the planet and its inhabitants on how to live, while they remain anonymous. They are masked men who would rule the world, give us a new language to learn, which research proves is not always possible, and a new court system in which they decide who is useful and who is useless. There are even other elites who have decided there are too many people: 

Mikhail Gorbachev: “Cut the population by 90% and there aren't enough people left to do a great deal of ecological damage.”

Former Secretary of Defense William Cohen, in testimony before Congressional committee April 28, 1997:  “...advanced forms of biological warfare that can target specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.”

Jacques Cousteau, in an interview with the UNESCO Courier in November 1991, said he was in favor of population control and population decrease. Interviewer: “What should we do to eliminate suffering and disease?” Cousteau:It is a wonderful idea but perhaps not altogether a beneficial one in the long run. If we try to implement it we may jeopardize the future of our species—It is terrible to have to say this, world population must be stabilized and to do that we must eliminate 350,000 per day. This is so horrible to contemplate that we shouldn't even say it. But the general situation in which were are involved is lamentable.” Jacques Cousteau died in June 1997 at age 87, thereby lowering the world population by one. It should have made him somewhat happy.

There has been the same message from elites of the past. President Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th president is listed in the history books as “An American statesman, author, explorer, soldier, naturalist and reformer.” He was also born into a rich family and looked down on lesser mortals.

Theodore Roosevelt, from the Davenport Papers, Department of Genetics, Cold Springs Harbor N.Y. January 1913: “I wish very much that the wrong people could be prevented entirely from breeding: and when the evil nature of these people is sufficiently flagrant this should be done. Criminals should be sterilized and feeble minded persons forbidden to leave offspring behind them. Society has no business to permit degenerates to reproduce their kind. Any group of farmers, who permitted their best stock not to breed, and let all the increase come from the worst stock, would be treated as fit inmates for an asylum.”

The message is the same from all the major well-known elites of the world. They will commit illegal acts and the constitution, in relationship to them, is simply not important or valid. They want a new world order and a new court system. They want a new world language. And we are considered the “useless eaters.” Soldiers are considered “stupid pawns” useful as political tools. We are not human. We are “stock.” We must be killed to the tune of 350,000 a day for the elites to achieve their goal of their New World Order. Their pie in the sky Utopia.

They must eliminate 90% of the world’s population, but how, when, where and to whom? In their elite view of things people are not seen as human, or sentient, capable of emotions such as fear, sorrow, attachment or terror. We are only things, objects and no better than pests to be eliminated for the world good. They want to murder us. They want a better world just for themselves.

But we are humans, not insects to be stepped on, eliminated, and made to disappear. The elites have no thought of the human capital they would kill. How many Tesla's, Galileo's, Pasteurs, Curies and Mandelas would the world lose from mass genocide, whether by bombs or biology? How many Einsteins, Edisons and Helen Keller's would be lost to humanity? And how would anyone even know the loss to our future world?

Of course world population is a concern, but murder through mass extermination or genocide is also not the answer for a civilized nation. Free access to birth control information, and family planning is part of the answer to the overpopulation dilemma. There are good and caring people working every day to improve the health and thereby welfare of humanity as a whole.

In 2002 when I was first diagnosed with Hepatitis C I was told there was no cure. Now in 2017 an effective cure has been found. Hepatitis C is being cured and I have several friends who have been cured of it. Additionally, the beneficial effects of Cannabis are being re-discovered by scientists both in Israel, the Unites States and all through Europe.

The work of Bill and Melinda Gates is only admirable in every way. They spend millions to help women in third world countries have access to birth control and family planning. The good they are doing and others like them is immeasurable and will impact future generations.

Perhaps what we need are more people like Bill and Melinda Gates who provide not only valid solutions that work but the influence and financial support to make these programs possible and successful. There is Doctors Without Borders, an organization bringing medical care to those in need the world over. There are animal rights activists groups like PETA, who rescue abandoned dogs and cats all over the world. There are other doctors who operate on children with cleft pallet dis-figuration in countries like Mexico and Brazil.

And there are the writers, authors and social justice warriors; Look for our names in the newspapers when they show photos of protesters putting their lives at risk and gathering in the streets. Look for the musicians, the poets, and those of us who write about social justice. To paraphrase the African American intellectual and author, James Baldwin, I will include these words: “I don't march, I don't sit-in, I write.”

Writers make others think! And that is their purpose. They are not all rich and they are not all elite. They are the poor, the downtrodden, and even the pariahs of the world—the executed Russian journalists, the silenced poets and the imprisoned philosophers.

It is certainly worth noting that not one of the elites have ever volunteered to die and decrease the world population by one, thereby helping out toward their overall depopulation goal created for the greater good. And to answer the question, are there too many people in the world? Damn right, there are. And if the jerk in the car in front of me doesn't turn down his Death Metal music, I may just run him off the road. Sometimes that's how I feel. Sometimes that's how we all feel.

But I have to remind myself that right conduct, moderation, compassion and nonviolence is the only way I can continue living with any measure of happiness, integrity, and hope for our future and self-respect. I think we all need to remind ourselves of that simple truth—as we struggle to survive in a world where 2% of the population enjoy 98% of the riches.

With all of the things that have come to pass in our world in the last 60 years, maybe the Sci-Fi film Soylent Green is not too far fetched after all. Food for thought. 

By Don DuPay