Portraits From Home

Portraits of Happiness...


These photos allow a view into my life with my wife Theresa Griffin Kennedy, who is also a writer, and a poet, painter and published author of two books, "Murder and Scandal in Prohibition Portland: Sex, Vice and Misdeeds in Mayor Baker's Reign," published by The History Press, out of South Carolina and "Blue Reverie in Smoke" published by our press, Oregon Greystone Press, in Portland. 

Below is a recent photo of my wife, Theresa and I, celebrating our third wedding anniversary, at the Benson Hotel. 

March 20, 2016. 

Don DuPay, below, at the Holiday Cheer Event, Oregon Historical Society, December, 6, 2015, 

selling copies of his book. Behind the Badge in River City: A Portland Police Memoir.

Theresa Griffin Kennedy, and Don DuPay, below, at the Holiday Cheer Event, Oregon Historical Society, December, 6, 2015, selling copies of his book. Behind the Badge in River City: A Portland Police Memoir.


Photo of Don DuPay and Theresa Kennedy DuPay, below, on their second wedding anniversary, in the Portland Park Blocks, SW Clay street. March 20, 2015. 

Below photo of Don DuPay and Theresa Kennedy-DuPay, on their first wedding anniversary, at the Benson Hotel. 

March 20, 2014. 

Don DuPay, with filmmaker Brian Lindstrom, 2015, at the premier of Lindstrom's documentary 

Mother Inside: The Family Preservation Project

Below photo, Don DuPay, The Benson Hotel, January 4th, 2014, with Theresa Kennedy-DuPay, enjoying Steaks and Absinthe...

Below photo, Don and Theresa Kennedy DuPay, Downtown Portland, 2013

A day of photography, 2013

Below photo, Theresa Kennedy-DuPay, Max Train, 2013

Below photo, Don and Theresa Kennedy DuPay, Directors Park, 2013

Below photo, Mamzelle, home, 2012

Below photo, Don DuPay, home, 2012

Below photo, Don DuPay, home, 2012

Online since 2012