Odd Man Out

                In our world of rich cultural, ethnic and yes, sexual diversity, we don't seem to rejoice in it folks, we punish it. We play the child's game 'Odd Man Out.' If you are Black in a White society you're odd and you're out. If you are Protestant in a Catholic society you're odd and you're out. If you are gay or bisexual or transsexual in a straight society, you're odd and you're out.

                Why are we so intolerant of those who are not like us and just who is “us” anyway? There have been people sexually different from the majority as far back as history records itself. Homosexuality is not going away because humans who are sexually different are born every day. Could it be that maybe, just maybe something that continues over the centuries is more normal than we realize?

                No! It is easier to convince ourselves that God keeps making the same stupid mistake over and over again. “Oops, I created another man that should have been a woman. Oh well, stupid me!”

                Trying to change something that can not change questions the credibility of our intelligence. Perhaps we humans simply don't understand Gods grand scheme of things, so in our frail ignorance we punish the gay, the lesbian, the bi-sexual person by treating them as lessor citizens. We legislate against them, punish and harass them. Odd man or woman out!

                First it makes me laugh, and then it makes me sad that people use the mantle of Christendom to persecute. There is so much crap done in the name of God! "Gays don't need special rights" we are told. They already have equal rights under the constitution. On paper perhaps, but not in fact. Gays are only now able to marry in a very few states. Can gays adopt children easily? Can gays inherit their life partner's property. Can they make life and death decisions in the hospital for their mates? 

                What is it that frightens us about gays? Have you ever seen a car load of angry gays with baseball bats cruising to beat up straights? Have you ever seen a gay man jump out of the bushes to rape a straight man? Do we really have something to fear from gays or is it our own insecurity, our irrational fear of those who are different from us?

                I have several gay friends and I'm struck not by how different they are, but by how normal they are. They want what all of us want, love, money, success, family, children and equality. And what does sexual orientation have to do with any of it?

                If you're wondering am I gay? No, I'm not. But I am compelled to speak for equal rights for all citizens. If the constitution doesn't work for the lesbian, the prostitute, the burglar or the citizen activist, it won't work for you! The constitution is of prime importance. Better ten OJ Simpson's go free than one innocent person be imprisoned. The constitution is everything. It is a lesson I learned as a street cop!

By Don DuPay