Scrubbing Away the Tears

Written June24 2018, 

Published to public media March 21, 2021


I trim back encroaching grass,

Scrub away determined moss,

Wash away the dusty splotches dotting the encased photo of her smile,

I wonder at her mission here,

Though her smile, gentle, says it is done.

I wonder if the mission was cut short.


I wonder what might have been,

I wonder if her smile says: “Don’t worry Grandpa I’ll be back.

We will walk together down this sloping hill.”


I scrub at the moss, trying to wipe away the time,

Maybe if I scrub faster I can see her grow up.


Maybe this family will someday be together,

Maybe the bars will slide open freeing all our spirits,

And her daddy will be forgiven and bathed in the sunlight neither now can see.


I think she smiles at my broken heart secure in the knowledge it will heal,

She knows things from her underground throne,

Things I won't know until I join her there.


For now, I scrub away my own tears, dropping on her face,


Wishing it were different,


           Wishing it were different,


                      Wishing it were different.


By Don DuPay