Length adapter for stirrups - TV3E3

2mm dyneema loops


1) determine the length to add to each stirrup.

2) open the sleeve and remove the stirrups from the snaphook.

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3 loops of dyneema 2mm, length 28cm, 18cm, 18cm.

2 - open the sleeve 3 - remove the snaphook

3) identify the stirrups (label L, M, S), and the most suitable dyneema loop for each stirrup to enlarge.

additional length 26 cm or 13 cm -> 28 cm dyneema loop

additional length 16 cm or 8 cm -> 18 cm dyneema loop

4) secure the loop on the stirrup: lark's head for full length, doubled loop for half-length.

4 - lark's head 4 - doubled loop

5) place the loops (or the original extremity of non-enlarged stirrups) in the snaphook and close the sleeve.

5 - place in the snaphook 6 - close the sleeve

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