Polycarbonate insulating layer D4S


Utility model INPI 12-01148, April 18, 2012.

Design & Methods: Design 4 Sea.

Material produced by Tubus Bauer

Figure 1. Polycarbonate insulating layer D4S

A simple solution against humidity in boat upholstery

Self-evidence: boats are often very humid: rain, direct aspersion, atmospheric humidity, human breathing, poor ventilation...

Humidity is a killer for marine upholstery. It generates stains, mold, bad smells, damages fabric and foam.

Solution: an insulating layer below seats and mattresses. A material that is light, resistant, easy to wash, and easy to cut at the shape of a boat's seats, berths and beds.

Flexible cellular polycarbonate

Polycarbonate (PC) is one of the most resistant thermoplastics (it is a component of armored glasses, helmet windshields, etc.). It resists to compression, impacts, and heat. Polycarbonate comes in two forms: compact and cellular ("honeycomb-like"). Problem: polycarbonate plaques are generally rigid, therefore unpractical for boats.

D4S developed insulating layers for upholstery made of flexible, incompressible cellular polycarbonate. This is obtained by a combination of 3 parameters: diameter of the cells, thickness of the cell walls and thickness of the layer.

The raw material is a low density Tubus Core(r) (48kg/m3), with 6mm diameter cells, thickness ~8mm (6mm to 10mm). The plaques are flexible, rollable and at the same time incompressible.

Figure 2. The car test. Rolling and stationing for 1 minute over a PC insulating layer (car: Opel Vectra). No damage

Of special interest for boat upholstery:

- flexible and rollable

- high mechanical resistance (pressure, torsion)

- anti-slip (the cell walls are blocked in the soft material of upholstery)

- thermally insulating (the alveolar material creates a insulating layer of air)

- water insulating (the layer separates the upholstery from the underlying surface that can be wet)

- anti-condensation (the air circulates between the cells and the lower face of the upholstery, which is normally porous)

Production & installation


Ruler, soldering iron with a cutting tip and/or sissors.

Figure 3. Tools to cut PC insulating layer


Cut one or several pieces of insulating layer to cover the shape of the upholstery (transversal or longitudinal, no problem).

Place the pieces of insulating layer on surface underneath.


The material is anti-slip. For normal cases (mattresses, seats) further securing is not needed.

In case the upholstery requires fixation (e.g., a watch table seat that will slip when the boat is heeling), use scratch bands (e.g. Velcro One Wrap (r)) to secure on seat and on underneath surface.

Cut slots with soldering iron.

Figure 4. PC insulating layer with scratch


Polyurethane glue, hot glue.


Cabin bed

The PC insulating layer is cut in two pieces one per half-mattress.

Figure 5. Cabin bed

Access to hatches

Figure 6. Access to hatches

Shelves and open storage

The PC insulating layer is used to prevent dampness, e.g., in clothes.

Figure 7. Shelf

Figure 8. Lateral shelf

Features and properties

Compressive strength : 0.5 mPa, i.e., resistant to pressures above 49 tons/m2.

Weight: ~384 g/m2

Flexibility: in both directions. Minimum radius of curvature ~2cm (i.e., rolls of ~6cm)

Cleaning: rinse with fresh water.

Dimensions & color

Standard plaques: 2m x 1m x 8mm, translucent, W~770g (385g/m2)

Maximal dimensions: 3.05m x 1.38m

Thickness: between 5mm & 12mm (standard: 8mm)

Cell diameter: 6mm (standard) or 4mm (higher compressive strength and density).

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