4. Creating Catalog File

A new Excel document should be created from where the catalog file will derive from.

Creating the Excel Document:

  1. Open the cleaned up Excel document
  2. Hide all the text by right clicking on the column header letter and selecting Hide.
  3. Hide all pages and leave only the rows with the metadata. This can be done by clicking on the row header number of the first page of the publication and then Shift+Click on the row header number of the last page of the publication.
  4. Right Click in the selected area and select Hide.
    • Repeat this for all publication in the Excel document.
  5. Once you have finish, select all and copy into Notepad and then copy what you have just pasted in Notepad into a new Excel document.
    • If you copy and paste it directly to Excel, it will still contain the hidden rows. By using Notepad, the hidden row are discarded.
  6. Save this new Excel document in "S:\...\ContentDM Export\merged text\"
  7. Future changes and additions should be made to this document.

Creating the catalog file:

  1. With the previous Excel document open, select all and copy it into the following website:
    • https://shancarter.github.io/mr-data-converter/
  2. The default options should output in the correct format. If it does not check the following:
    • Delimiter: Auto (change to Tab if auto does not work)
    • Decimal Sign: NA
    • First row is the header: Checked
    • Transform: NA
    • Include white space in output: Checked
    • Indent with: NA
    • Output: JSON - Properties
  3. Copy the output into a text editor and delete the following:
    • The opening and closing bracket
    • All comma's after the closing curly bracket
  4. Save the the file in its respective folder in S:\...\ContentDM Export\merged text\ as jsoncatalog.txt and UTF-8 encoding.