5. Uploading to OneClick Bookworm

Preparing for upload:

  1. Confirm all 3 components are in the correct folders:
    • Text files - /texts/raw/
    • jsoncatalog.txt - /metadata/
    • field_descriptions.json - /metadata/
  2. Right click on both folders and select Send To and click on Compressed (zipped) folder
  3. Upload the zip file to a file host of your choosing

Uploading to OneClick Bookworm:

  1. Login into http://bookworm.culturomics.org/
  2. Select Create a Bookworm
  3. Enter the url of the zip file and enter a name for the Bookworm
  4. Click on Build Bookworm
  5. Refresh the page every few minutes until it reads Complete
    • If the status reads Failed it usually means that there is an issue with jsoncatalog.txt file.
  6. Click on the Bookworm name to see it in action.