Other Highlights

Our son Patrick is excited about starting his new position

with Verizon in inventory management on January 1, 2017.

Our daughter Sarah has moved back to Boston with her boyfriend Shaun who accepted a tenured track position at Emerson University. Sarah is working in marketing with Grand Circle Travel and is excited about being in a new field.

Dean and Roland had a busy year. Despite being in Italy for almost a month and 8 days in Alaska they manage to pack in 3-day visit with Dean's Dad and Stepmother, Luke and Peggy, a long Labor Daly weekend trip to Provincetown MA for a visit with Dennis Fitzkee and Bernie Langeluttig, and spend Thanksgiving with Sarah and her Shaun in Boston.

They also enjoyed visits for friends both in Highlands and Fort Lauderdale. Ginger Kennedy and Kevin Naylor visited us to celebrate Ginger's birthday in early March. Joe Possa and Chad Kenney-Possa stayed with us for the Black Tie Club International event in Fort Lauderdale the end of April. Patrick joined us for an early birthday celebration in early May. Janice Chai-Chang and Barbara Sears spent a night with us on their way to West Virginia in mid-August. Joe and Chad celebrated Roland's birthday with us in Highlands. Finally but not least Rod and Cheryl Millar stop for a visit the end of October for a visit on their way from their summer place in Chester, NS, to Fort Lauderdale.

View more photos from our year at Other Highlights Photos.

Thanksgivings Dinner with Sarah and Shaun's in Boston
Patrick's May visit for a celebration of his 30th birthday