Happy Holidays

and the Best for 2020

Just to be clear, when we wished you the best for 2020 in last years letter, 2020 is not what we had in mind. This letter will be short as we have no travel to share with you.

However, there have been a couple of bright spots for us. Our daughter Sarah and her husband Shaun are expecting a son to arrive in April. We are very excited about having a new member of our family and being grandparents. Shaun is still teaching Visual and Media Arts at Emerson in Boston and Sarah is working in video marketing at Overseas Adventure Travel.

We are also very pleased that Patrick has made great progress in his weight loss program. He also had Lasik surgery. He is still in Rustin, La, and working for Verizon.

Roland was in physical therapy to address some weakness in his right shoulder last spring. He was doing so well and was strong enough that his therapists thought that he could so handstand! These guys thought that “age was just a number”. Unfortunately, they were wrong and Roland suffered a complete tear of his right bicep tendon. It required surgery to repair it, a brace, a cast, and 6 months of limits on the use of his arm. However, that is behind him. He still in physical therapy to strengthen the bicep.

The highlight of Dean's year was his doctor giving him permission to play pickleball again. He had not been able to play in the year since his back surgery. He is in heaven. His game has steadily improved since. He tied for first in club playoffs.

We hope we both will be healthy for a while.

One advantage of not being able to travel has been learning to appreciate our two homes.

The following are some photos of us and some of our friends.

2020 Photo Highlights