DC Queer Tango Collective

We are a group of tango dancers in the Washington, DC area interested in learning both the 'leader' and 'follower' roles, and in role-switching or role-free dancing, all without regard to our gender or the gender of our dance partner.

Everyone is welcome regardless of gender, ability or any other type of orientation. We strive to create a space where we can safely explore tango in all its beauty and without preconceptions about gender based roles. 

We seek to create and foster milongas (tango dances) and practicas that are inclusive and respectful, and where everyone (and especially women, LGBTQs, and others who have traditionally been subordinate or less visible in tango) is an equal and is fully empowered to explore and share in the connection, joy, and art of tango dancing.

More information:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/1929796427313873

Current Schedule

Hello DC queer tango dancers.  Note we will not have a class or practice the weekend of July 6-7. 

Our biweekly weekend classes and practicas will return Sunday July 21, Sunday Aug 4, and Sunday Aug 18th.

As always, we'll meet at Petworth Neighborhood Library starting at 130pm. 

Queer Tango Class and Practica

All levels queer tango group class, starting shortly after 1:30pm. After the class, from about 3:00pm to 4:30pm, there will be open practice time. This event is FREE OF CHARGE, part of the DC Queer Tango Collective's biweekly(ish) queer tango practicas and classes. The Collective is organized by/for LGBTQ+ tango dancers in the Washington, DC area. The Collective's mission is to create and maintain safe, gender-neutral, and inclusive local tango spaces, where the full spectrum of genders and orientations is celebrated.  Everyone is welcome [just as you are] to dance [any role] with whomever you wish.  Come join us!

Class is free.

More information:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/1929796427313873 and https://www.facebook.com/jose.otero.9028

Event is free of charge.

Updated July 1, 2024 

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