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Resources selected for us by Wink Hastings, National Park Service Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance Program

Ideas and Policies

Restoring Nature's Capital: An Action Agenda to Sustain Ecosystem Services. World Resources Institute.


Aggregating High-Priority Landscape Areas to the Parcel Level: An Easement Implementation Tool. Michael P. Strager and Randall S. Rosenberger (2006).

Incorporating Stakeholder Preferences for Land Conservation: Weights and Measures in Spatial MCA. Michael P. Strager and Randall S. Rosenberger (2005).

Prioritization Methodology for the Dragon Run Forest Matrix Block. PrioritizationMethodology-DragonRun.doc.

Green Infrastructure Plans

Pittsford, New York: Greenprint for a Town's Future.


Summary. PittsfordGreenPrint-summary.doc

Topeka: Sustainable Development.

Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District Conservation Plan (2001).

Genessee, Lapeer, Shiawausee Counties Potential Conservation Assessment.

Potential Conservation Areas, Genessee County.

Saginaw Bay Greenways Collaborative, Michigan.

Burlington, Vermont, Open Space Protection Plan (2000).

Local Open Space Planning Guide (2004). New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.

Green Infrastructure Plan for Thurrock [UK], 2006-2011.

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