Great Cheverly Rain Barrel Event Details

The Great Cheverly Rain Barrel Event (and More)

Saturday, June 4, 2016, Cheverly Community Center

8 AM to noon, in conjunction with the first Cheverly Community Market of the season

Did you know?

  • The Town of Cheverly has purchased rain barrels for resale at cost to town residents?

    • The 50-gallon Rain Station rain barrels are from Earthminded. The cost is $50.

    • Rain barrels come with pre-drilled holes and all accessories, and are in a charcoal color.

    • The model shown at right is the Earthminded 45-gallon rain barrel.

  • Prince George’s County will give you a rebate for your rain barrel purchase?

    • The rebate will cover the full cost.

  • Your bottom line, $0.

Enjoy one-stop shopping at the Great Cheverly Rain Barrel Event

  • Buy your rain barrel

    • Reserve your rain barrel right online, right here

    • Pay at the event. Cash or checks accepted. Make check out to "Town of Cheverly"

  • Learn about rain barrel installation and maintenance

    • We will have the installation video running on a loop, information on tools and supplies you will need, and advice from experienced installers

    • The rain barrel comes with needed accessories. In addition, you will need some basic tools and supplies.

      • Solid surface base for the rain barrel, such as cinder blocks, pavers, or gravel

      • Level

      • Power drill

      • Phillips head screwdriver

      • Measuring tape or ruler

      • Work knife

      • Safety glasses

      • Safety gloves

      • Pencil

  • Apply for your rebate on site

    • Head to the Chesapeake Bay Trust Station to apply, and to get advice and help

  • Still unsure about installing your rain barrel? Sign up for installation help by the Cheverly Green Infrastructure Committee’s own Flying Squad.

    • The Flying Squad will help drill your downspout and install the diverter

What’s the “more?”

  • Compost bins for sale, $20. Reserve your compost bin here.

  • Rain garden information: plans, native plant sources

  • Games for the young and young at heart

Rain barrels help

  • Keep rainwater on site

  • Slow stormwater runoff, reduce pollution, sediment, erosion, improve the health of our streams

  • Provide free rainwater for your gardens

Get more information from the Earthminded web site

More information on rebates and rain barrel use

(1) For an individual residence or individual members of a housing cooperative, the rebate is $2/gallon with a minimum of 50 gallons stored. Thus, you no longer need to buy two barrels to qualify. If a 50 gallon rain barrel costs $100.00 or less, the rebate covers it all. (note: if it only costs $90.00, you only get $90.00 back-you can’t make money on the deal.) If you choose a more expensive 50 gallon barrel (say $150.00), you would still get $100.00 back, and you would be $50.00 out of pocket. If you buy a 55 gallon barrel, you get $110.00 back, and so on.

(2) There are no longer per-practice caps. Some of the practices originally had an upper limit(e.g. trees were up to $1,200 per lot). Now there is simply the $4,000 cap per residential property. You can do any combination of practices (e.g. multiple rain barrels or trees and rain gardens, etc.) until you have received rebates totaling $4,000. Thus folks could do rain barrels on all four corners of the house plus the shed, and they can even link multiple barrels in sequence.

The fine print

  • Rain barrels and compost bins may be sold only to Cheverly residents

  • Rain barrel rebates are available only to property owners

Summary of the rebate process

  • Purchase your rain barrel

  • Apply for the rebate

  • Install your rain barrel

  • DoE inspects your installation

  • Get your rebate