Learn More: Financing Green Infrastructure

Learn More: Financing Green Infrastructure

Resources for the Bottom Line

University of Maryland Environmental Finance Center

“The EFC promotes a "community quilt" concept of financing, where government programs plus innovative financing techniques come together to help achieve desired results. By "piecing together" funding from various governmental sources as well as equitable user-based rate structures, a community, or several communities, can "knit together" a comprehensive financing package for environmental protection.” Stormwater Financing for Municipalities; Green Infrastructure Financing; Green Building for Municipalities; Maryland Funding Matrices.

Program Open Space Grants- Local Side of POS

Maryland: Land acquisition.

Land Trust Assistance Program. Maryland Environmental Trust

“The Maryland Environmental Trust’s Local Land Trust Assistance Program helps citizen groups in forming and operating local land trusts for the preservation of open space, farmland, woodland, and other natural and historic areas. Funding is from the Coastal Zone Management Program within the Department of Natural Resources.”

The University of Maryland Environmental Finance Center has provided the following resources:

Green Infrastructure Planning, Implementation, and Financing Information

· University of Maryland EFC

· Environmental Protection Agency

· Center for Neighborhood Technology

· Green Infrastructure Center

· Trust for Public Land

· The Conservation Fund

· Low Impact Development Center

· Center for Watershed Protection

· Water Environment Federation

Maryland Department of the Environment

· State Trust Fund

Stimulus Funds

Maryland Department of Natural Resources

· State Trust Fund

· Program Open Space

· Maryland Environmental Trust

Private Funding Sources

· Chesapeake Bay Trust

· Keith Campbell Foundation

· Town Creek Foundation