Learn More: Stormwater Management

Learn More: Stormwater Management

Resources for our Streams, Seeps, Springs, and Storm "Watersheds"

Center for Watershed Protection


Resource for stormwater and stream quality issues.

Low Impact Development (LID) and Other Green Design Strategies. A fact sheet from the EPA, with ideas for residents, planners, and municipalities. Includes links to more detailed online publications.

Prince George's County Green Highways/Streets Program

San Mateo County Sustainable Green Streets and Parking Lots Design Guidebook

"Roads and parking lots provide important opportunities for managing stormwater because they constitute as much as 70 percent of the total impervious cover in ultra-urban landscapes.

In 2007, the City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County (C/CAG) enthusiastically supported the recommendation from its San Mateo Countywide Water Pollution Prevention Program Technical Advisory Committee to develop this Sustainable Green Streets and Parking Lots Design Guidebook. "

Stormwater Management Using Trees and Structural Soils. Virginia Tech.

“We developed and evaluated a system for capturing and retaining stormwater under pavement in structural soil: a specialized soil mix that supports pavement and supports extensive tree root growth. Our vision was a full-canopy parking lot that allowed trees to serve their natural role as mediators of the hydrologic cycle.” Includes a stormwater manual and presentation.

Reduce Runoff: Slow it Down, Spread it Out, Soak it In. Environmental Protection Agency.

“This 9 minute video showcases green techniques such as rain gardens, green roofs and rain barrels that help manage stormwater runoff in a more sustainable manner.”

Testing Requirements for Infiltration, Bioretention and Sand Filter Subsoils. Maryland Department of the Environment

A technical document.

On-lot Infiltration. Minnesota Urban Small Sites Best Management Practices Manual

Another technical document.

Stream Bank Stabilization Sources These include practical how-to information








Stream Corridor Assessment Survey for Cheverly

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources has prepared a stream corridor assessment survey for the main branch of Lower Beaverdam Creek in Cheverly, and for Tributary 4.

Along both streams the survey found bank erosion and inadequate forest buffers. On Tributary 4 it pointed to the pipe outfalls, of which there are several large ones directing storm water into the tributary

The DNR web site has some useful information about the inadequacies found.

Inadequate buffer

“Forested stream buffers are very important for maintaining healthy Maryland streams. Forest buffers help shade the stream, preventing excessive solar heating, and the roots stabilize the stream banks. Forest buffers remove nutrients, sediment and other pollutants from runoff, while the leaves of trees are a major component of the stream's food web. ...

DNR is actively looking for good areas for planting forest. More information on stream buffers .

If you are interest [sic] in this problem contact your local forester, or Maryland Department of Natural Resources at 1-877-620-8DNR and ask about Stream/Riparian Reforestation.”

Pipe Outfalls

“Pipe outfalls include any pipes or small man made channels that discharge into the stream through the stream corridor. Pipe outfalls are considered a potential environmental problem in the survey because they can carry uncontrolled runoff and pollutants such as oil, heavy metals, and nutrients to a stream system. State and local governments have become interested in pipe outfalls, as they are required by recent revisions of the Clean Water Act to address non-point source pollution sources. Unlike Point Source Pollution such as treatment plants and industrial plants, non-point source pollution can not be traced back to a certain place or area. Non-point source pollution can come from many diverse sources such as lawns, parking lots, roads, or even roof tops.

For rooftop run off collection, rain barrels can be used. The solution for run off from roads or parking lots can include rain gardens or LID (Low Impact Development). For more information on rain gardens you can call the Department of Natural Resources at 1-877-620-8DNR.”

Stream Bank Erosion

“Erosion is a natural process and necessary to maintain good aquatic habitat in a stream. Too much erosion, however, can have the opposite effect, destabilizing stream banks, destroying in-stream habitat and causing significant sediment pollution problems downstream.”

Unfortunately the DNR has only this to offer here: “If you are interest in getting this problem fixed contact your local government.”

The DNR also provides a Stream Corridor Assessments Protocols Manual,

“The Stream Corridor Assessment (SCA) survey was developed by DNR's Watershed Restoration Division as a tool to help environmental managers identify environmental problems and prioritize restoration opportunities on a watershed basis. As part of the survey, trained personnel walk the watershed's entire stream network and record information on a variety of environmental problems that can be easily observed within the stream corridor. Common environmental problems documented in the survey include: eroding stream banks, inadequate stream buffers, exposed pipes, altered stream channels, fish migration barriers, pipe outfalls, in-stream construction sites and trash dumping locations. In addition to identifying the location of common stream problems the survey also collects information on both in- and near-stream habitat conditions so that comparative assessments can be made of the condition of different stream segments.”

There is also A User's Guide to Watershed Planning in Maryland

The DNR web site also has a series of tools which should prove useful in assessing the report and in doing original research..

Tool 17: Continuous Stream Walk Assessment Methods Field Sheets

This tool contains the field sheets to conduct the Center for Watershed Protection’s Unified Stream Assessment (USA)and the Maryland Department of Natural Resource’s Stream Corridor Assessment (SCA). Both are continuous stream walk methods that systematically evaluate conditions and identify restoration opportunities within the stream corridor. For more details on USA and guidance for completing the field forms, see Kitchell and Schueler, 2004.

Tool 18: Unified Subwatershed and Site Reconnaissance (USSR) Field Forms

The Center for Watershed Protection’s USSR is a rapid field survey to evaluate potential pollution sources and restoration opportunities within urban subwatersheds. The USSR is designed to assess upland areas outside the stream corridor for behaviors that can influence water quality and to identify promising restoration project opportunities. For more details on the USSR and guidance for completing the field forms, see Wright et al., 2004.

Tool 19: Project Investigation Field Sheets

This tool contains a variety of field sheets designed to aid watershed planning by collecting more information on the feasibility of potential restoration sites and developing a workable concept design to narrow down project choices to a manageable level. The following field sheets are available here, and more information and guidance for completing each of the field forms are available in the references below:

Retrofit Reconnaissance Inventory (see CWP, 2006, in press)

Stream Repair Investigation (see Schueler and Brown, 2004)

Urban Reforestation Site Assessment (see Cappiella et al., 2005)

Discharge Prevention Investigations (see Brown et al., 2004)

Contiguous Forest Assessment (see CWP, 2002a )

Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Species Assessment (see CWP, 2002a)

Also included are links to Additional Sensitive Area Assessments


Tool 7 : Estimated Costs

This tool provides estimated costs for scoping out the methods necessary to complete a watershed plan and constructing watershed planning practices

This tool is quite detailed, and would be useful in presenting costs of implementing Cheverly Green Plan recommendations. One can even learn what dollar value to give to volunteer work, such as invasive plant removal.

Daylighting Streams


www.nps.gov/ccso/rtca/indiancreekbrochure.pdf (From the RTCA).

See also:

Characterization Of The Anacostia River Watershed In Prince George’s County, Maryland