What are the best native trees to plant?

Do you want to support native trees in your yard? What are the best native trees to plant?All trees have some environmental value. However, some support more life than others.

Douglas Tallamy provides a list of 20 most valuable woody and perennial genera -- including trees -- in terms of supporting biodiversity in the mid-Atlantic region.

To learn more about the ecological values of trees, read Douglas Tallamy’s Bringing Nature Home.

Below are the trees that the Town of Cheverly will plant in your yard -- free of charge -- ranked according to their high, medium, or lower environmental values.

High value

Tulip Poplar

White Oak

Northern Red Oak

Pin Oak

Willow Oak

Swamp White Oak

Red Maple

River Birch

Medium value


Dogwood (white)

Sweetbay Magnolia


American Holly

Black Gum


Lower value

Fringe Tree

Bald Cypress

Red Bud