Green Plan Final web - 6

Cheverly Green Infrastructure Plan


Based on prior achievements, accumulated scientific data, information on best green practices and strategies, input from citizens and civic groups and participation in county-level meetings, the Steering Committee presented this report and recommendations for endorsement by the Cheverly Town Council. Specific recommendations of the green plan pertaining to the natural areas network and water management, land use and the built environment are detailed below.

Adopt and Sanction Implementation of the Cheverly Green Infrastructure Plan

  • Appoint a formal town body to coordinate comprehensive implementation of the recommendations of the Green Infrastructure Plan.

    • Establish benchmarks and timelines for achieving goals; monitor and assess progress; and report annually to the Town Council and citizens.

    • Dedicate and pursue funding for implementation.

  • Consider the Green Infrastructure Plan goals when reviewing or revising the municipal code and in prioritizing resources, for example, expenditures from Program Open Space or to protect the tree canopy and encourage stormwater retention on-site.

  • Increase effectiveness in planning, evaluation, and implementation by consulting specialists as appropriate.

Establish and preserve a natural areas network of hubs and connecting corridors

  • Establish and preserve a natural areas network including a system of five hubs and connecting corridors, to be managed as functioning ecosystems capable of providing multiple ecoservices.

Preserve, maintain, and improve Cheverly’s natural capital

  • To manage stormwater and improve water quality, adopt on-site stormwater management as the optimal approach and reduce impervious surface area by a minimum of 5 percent from the current 23 percent.

  • To maintain the services provided by Cheverly’s urban tree cover, adopt a town-wide tree canopy goal of 40%: 50% for residential areas and 25% for commercial, industrial and institutional (i.e. town, church and school) areas to be achieved by 2035.

Implement Public Awareness, Education and Stakeholder Engagement Activities

  • Coordinate initiatives to educate and engage citizens, organization, businesses, towns, schools, and institutions and other local and regional partners in actions that achieve the Green Infrastructure Plan goals.

  • Together with community organizations, create an online Cheverly Green Guide with practical suggestions for homeowners, businesses, and institutions: information on Cheverly’s natural areas; native vegetation and soils; wildlife management, local hydrology and stormwater management; and environmentally friendly building practices.