Your body’s health and vitality largely depend on the effortless and complete elimination of waste products from the intestinal tract. Most physical problems are caused and exacerbated by a build-up of waste material that may at first accumulate in the intestines and then spread to other parts of the body, such as the liver, kidneys, heart, lungs, face, and skin. Accumulated or trapped waste material in the large intestine may consist of impacted feces, hardened mucus, dead cellular tissue, gallstones that were released from the gallbladder, dead and living bacteria, parasites, worms, toxic substances, etc. It also undermines the colon’s important role in absorbing essential minerals and bacteria-produced vitamins, including the all important vitamin B 12 . Parts of the waste matter may enter the lymph and blood systems, which can make you feel tired, sluggish or ill.

Colon -related complaints include constipation, diarrhea, bloating, headaches, dizziness, nausea, sinusitis, eye and ear disorders, backaches, bad breath, body odor, sciatica, skin blemishes and diseases, abdominal gas, low energy, disorders of the nervous system, etc. A clean colon is a prerequisite for the balanced functioning of the rest of the body. To cleanse the large intestine should, therefore, be part of every healing therapy.

Keep Your Intestines Clean!

A weak, irritated and congested large intestine is a breeding place for bacteria which have no other purpose than to break down potentially hazardous waste material. As an unavoidable side effect of their truly life-saving activities, the microbes produce poisonous substances. Some of the toxins produced by the bacteria enter the blood, which delivers them straight to the liver. Constant exposure of liver cells to these toxins greatly dampens their performance, causes bile stones and reduces bile secretion, all of which leads to further disruption of digestive functions.

When you eat highly processed foods that have been stripped of most nutrients, natural fiber and life force, your colon has great difficulty in moving the food mass or chyme along. Processed foods tend to make for a dry, hard or sticky chyme that does not pass easily through the intestinal tract. The muscles wrapped around the colon can easily squeeze and push fibrous, bulky chyme along, but they struggle with fibreless, gooey, sticky chyme. When chyme sits too long in the colon, it becomes harder and drier each day. If that were the only thing that happened – chyme turning into hard, dry feces – you would only need to worry about constipation, from which millions of Americans suffer. But there is more. After the chyme/feces get plastered onto the walls of the colon, it begins to do several things, including:

• Ferment, rot and harden, thereby becoming a breeding ground for parasites and pathogens (disease-causing agents), and a storehouse for toxic chemicals that can pollute the blood and lymph and poison the body.

• Form a barrier that prevents the colon from interacting with and absorbing nutrients from chyme.

• Restrict movement of the colon walls, making it difficult for the colon to rhythmically contract in order to speed the chyme along its way. How well could you do your job if you were covered with thick sludge?

The following are some of the symptoms manifesting as a result of colon dysfunction:

Lower back pain

Neck and shoulder pain

Skin problems

Brain fog (difficulty concentrating)



Colds and flu

Constipation or diarrhea

Digestive problems



Crohn's disease

Ulcerative colitis

Colitis/Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)


Leaky Gut Syndrome

Pain in lower stomach

The large intestine absorbs minerals and water. When the membrane of the large intestine is impacted with plaque, it cannot properly assimilate and absorb minerals, or some vitamins). Accordingly, no matter how many supplements you take, your body will begin to suffer from nutrient deficiencies. Most diseases are, in fact, deficiency disorders. They arise when certain parts of the body suffers mal-nourishment, particularly minerals (see also Take Ionic Minerals in this chapter). The main cause of mal-nourishment is intestinal congestion. I recommend several possible methods to aid intestinal cleansing; they are Colonic Irrigation, Magnesium Oxides and Enema treatments. I understand that not everyone has access to a colon hydrotherapist, so I have included some other options.

1. Colonic Irrigation

Colonic irrigation, also called colon hydrotherapy or colonic, is perhaps one of the most effective colon therapies. Within a short passage of time a colonic can eliminate large amounts of trapped waste that may have taken many years to accumulate. During a 40-50 minute session of colonic irrigation, a total of 2-6 liters of distilled water is used to gently flush the colon. Through gentle abdominal massage old deposits of mucoid fecal matter are loosened and subsequently flushed out by the water.

A colonic removes not only harmful, toxic waste, but it also tones, hydrates and rejuvenates the colon muscles. The repeated uptake and release of water improves the colon’s peristaltic action and reduces the transit time of fecal matter. In addition, colonic irrigation helps restore the colon’s natural shape, and stimulates the reflex points that connect the colon with all the parts of the body. This form of colon cleansing can detach old crusted layers of waste from the colon walls, which permits better water absorption and hydration of the colon and the body as a whole. However, it may take at least 2-3 colonic sessions for these latter benefits to take effect.

Colonic irrigation can also help with emotional problems. It is no coincidence that the transverse colon passes right through the solar plexus, which is the body’s emotional center. Most of our unresolved or “undigested” emotional issues are stored in the solar plexus and result in the tightening of the colon muscle. This may slow bowel movement and cause constipation. Colonics can help clear the physical obstruction and release the tension that causes the emotional repression in the first place.

Colonics have a truly relieving effect. During a colonic, you may feel a slight discomfort from time to time when larger quantities of toxic waste detach themselves from the intestinal walls and move towards the rectum, However, the feeling of lightness, cleanness, and clarity of mind soon afterwards make up for that.

Colonic irrigation is a very safe and hygienic system of cleansing the colon. Rubber tubing carries water into the colon and waste out of the colon. The released waste material can be seen floating through a tube, showing the type and quantity of waste eliminated. Although some critics claim that there are risks involved in this procedure, in the many years I have worked with colonics, I have never seen any justification for these claims. Not having a colonic from time to time, on the other hand, can be very risky, given today’s high incidence of irritable bowel syndrome and colon cancer.

Colonic cleansing is best done when the stomach is empty. It is beneficial to drink 1-2 glasses of water afterwards and eat a piece of fruit or have some freshly prepared fruit juice ½ hour later. The first one or two meals after the treatment should be light and not contain food items such as meat, eggs, cheese, fried food, etc.

Some people have expressed their concern about loosing friendly, probiotic bacteria in the colon as a result of a colonic. It is actually much easier for the friendly colon bacteria to multiply in a clean environment than in a putrefied one. Once the colon it completely cleansed, it will have restored normal bacteria population within less than 36 hours. If you still feel concerned about this, you may use soil-based microbes, such as Nature’s Biotics (, Primal Defense or similar products. Be certain that whatever product you use contains live, not dead, bacteria.

After a colonic, the bowel movement will become naturally restored within about two days. If it takes longer than that, it indicates that the colon has accumulated unduly large amounts of waste over a period of many years. To soften up and flush out all the waste may require a series of colonics and, of course, liver cleanses and a balanced diet and lifestyle.

Once the colon has been thoroughly cleansed through colonics, nutritional improvements, exercise, liver and kidney cleanses, and other health programs will become many times more effective. Since an estimated 70-80 percent of the immune tissue resides in the intestines, cleansing the colon from immune-suppressive toxic waste, in addition to removing gallstones from the liver and gallbladder, can make a crucial difference in the treatment of cancer, heart disease, arthritis, AIDS and other illnesses.

2. Colema Board

If you do not have access to a colon therapist, you may greatly benefit from using a colema board (see Product Information ) as a second best choice. The colema treatment is based on the same principle as colon-hydrotherapy, although it may not be as effective and thorough. The advantage is that the colema board allows you to clean your colon in the comfort of your own home. The colema colon cleanse is a do-it-yourself treatment that is easy to learn and perform.

3. Colosan Treatment

Colosan (formerly known as ColoZone) is a proprietary blend of various oxides of magnesium designed to gently release oxygen in the digestive tract for cleansing. Please note that there are other brands of magnesium oxides available that have similar effects, including OxyPowder, HomoZone and OxyCleanse. Some are easier to take than others.

The main actions of Colosan:

• It releases oxygen in the intestines and colon to help speed the elimination of wastes.

• It provides needed oxygen for proper digestion and cleanses digestive membranes to allow improved uptake of nutrients.

• It eliminates the unwanted build-up of toxins, creating a clean and healthful environment where there is no room or “food” for disease-causing microbes.

How does Colosan Work ?

The various oxides of magnesium contained in Colosan involve the bonding of oxygen and ozone to magnesium. This alkaline compound requires an extremely low pH in order to liberate its oxygen. For this reason, the hydrochloric acid in the stomach is commonly assisted with the juice of a lemon or apple cider vinegar. The average size tablespoon of approximately 7-10g of pure magnesium oxide would produce a total volume of 3.85 cubic meters of oxygen. In the use of Colosan, one tsp. would provide approximately

7.5 liters of available oxygen. This oxygen is made bio-available to the stomach which is 40 percent more efficient at assimilating oxygen than the lungs are. It also assists in oxidizing the undigested putrefaction that is known to be impacting the intestines and the colon. The average person has six to twelve pounds of putrefaction rotting away in their gut, breeding pathogens and creating a welcome home for parasites, germs, bacteria and viruses.

Digestion is known to be a process of oxidation. By introducing oxygen into the intestines and the colon, one can assist the process of assimilating nutrients, as well as oxidizing the undigested material. It is common for Colosan to turn undigested material into C02 and water. For this reason, Colosan is a cathartic. It is not unusual to have very liquid stools during the use of Colosan; this is a sign that the product is working. If the stools are not liquid during the first 1-2 treatments, it shows that most of the magnesium is absorbed straight away, indicating a mineral deficiency. After a few treatments, the situation returns to normal and stools become liquid and more frequent following each dose of Colosan. Many people use Colosan once or twice weekly as a maintenance product for staying clean and maintaining regularity.

The most common health problem besides irregular bowel movement that Colosan has shown tremendous benefit for is Candida . Colosan provides an aerobic environment in the intestines and colon. Therefore, it is beneficial to the “friendly” bacteria, which are desirable and inhibitory toward toxin-producing, undesirable bacteria. In other words, this product helps beneficial intestinal flora to flourish.

Colosan can be used to prevent any type of healing crisis or detox reaction that you might have when you follow a certain cleansing protocol. Anyone versed in natural therapies is usually familiar with these occurrences. These undesirable experiences stem from attempting to clean out the body before the organs of elimination have been cleansed. This results in backing up of toxic waste. The body frequently attempts to rid itself of these wastes through the skin. The back-flushed waste can result in feelings of nausea, headaches, tiredness, ear and eye trouble, aching joints or pain in the neck and shoulders. This influx of toxicity may also affect the liver and kidneys.

By cleaning out the organs of elimination through the use of Colosan you can avoid detox reactions associated with the use of herbal cleansing programs or other regimens that are administered for this purpose. Colosan is available from many online health stores.

Note: The products OxyPowder, OxyCleanse, or similar, have the about the same beneficial effects as Colosan, and may be used instead.



6. Four Major Enema Treatments

Enema treatments involve introduction of liquids into the rectum for the purpose of cleansing and nourishment (see illustration 12). Since the colon is the seat of Vata, an enema has an immediate effect on all the functions of Vata. It alleviates constipation, distension, chronic fever, the common cold, headache, sexual disorders, kidney stones, pain in the heart area, vomiting, low back ache, stiffness and pain in neck and shoulders, nervous disorders, hyperacidity, and tiredness. Also disorders such as arthritis, rheumatism, sciatica, and gout greatly benefit from an enema.

Please note: a colonic or colema treatment would still be a better choice for balancing disturbed Vata functions.

Illustration 12: Enema treatment

Since the disturbance of Vata dosha is responsible for the retention of feces, urine, bile, and other excreta, by pacifying it through an enema, most of the eliminative functions in the body are improved. Besides the colon, Vata also controls lung functions and the bones. All chronic colon disorders are likely to manifest as lung and bone disorders as well. Although less effective than colonic irrigation, which irrigates the entire colon, enemas can offer quick relief when the rectum is congested with fecal matter. There are two major types of enemas that can be used to balance Vata and one that can improve digestion and liver functions.

1. Oil enema: Half a cup of warm sesame oil for above problems and chronic constipation once or twice a week. The oil should be retained for at least 30 minutes or longer. To make it a nourishing enema, add 3 tablespoons each of honey and ghee and half a cup of milk (unless you have a milk allergy). Note: Those with diabetes, obesity, indigestion, low AGNI, and enlarged spleen should avoid oil enemas and opt for the second type enema.

2. Decoction or water enema: Up to half a liter of Lapacho, comfrey or chaparral tea, or plain water, at room temperature. This enema is indicated for acute constipation and above problems, but should not be taken more often than once or twice a week. Note: avoid if you suffer from debility, hemorrhoids, inflammation of anus, diarrhea, or if pregnant. If you are diabetic, consult your physician. The effects increase if an enema type 2 is followed by an enema type 1. Patients who are lying in bed and are constipated can take enemas type 1 and 2 alternately.

3. Coffee enema: Place 3 heaped tablespoons of ground coffee (not instant coffee) into 16 ounces (2 glasses) of boiling water. Boil for 3 minutes and let simmer (on a low flame) for 15 minutes. Filter through a coffee filter or cotton cloth. Make sure that no coffee substance is left at the bottom. Let it cool to body temperature and perform the enema while lying on your back with your legs elevated. Hold the coffee solution as long as possible; turning to your right side may help make this easier. This enema is indicated when you feel very sluggish and tired, particularly when you feel pain in your middle/upper back, which are all indications of a toxic liver. Although ground coffee (or rather the caffeine it contains) acts as a nerve toxin, it can to a small extent open the bile ducts of the liver and release noxious substances from the liver. The effect is often immediate. This enema can be taken if time or circumstances, or feeling ill, don’t permit a person to do the liver cleanse. When seriously ill with cancer, liver or heart disease, it can be taken more frequently, as often as every other day.

4. Urine Enema: If you suffer from persistent skin conditions, such as acne, a series of urine enemas can help you restore skin health within a matter of a few weeks.

Collect your urine starting in the morning (use mid-stream only) until you have a jar of 1-2 liters. Administer the enemas in the late afternoon before eating. You may want to add a little amount of hot water to the urine to warm it up. Once you remove the nozzle, you may lie on your back, gently lift your knees up towards your chin, and if possible, move into the yoga posture “shoulder stand” for one minute. Continue lying on your back with your knees up for 5 more minutes and then gently roll over to your right side for about 10 minutes. The most important thing with regard to this enema is to keep the urine in the colon for as long as possible. If you feel strong discomfort, though, release it. While you are in the process of releasing the urine and waste, you may gently massage the abdomen with or without oil (ideally sesame or coconut oil) in a clockwise direction.

Follow this protocol for about 5 weeks:

1st week – one enema per day, late afternoon

2nd week – one enema every 2nd day, late afternoon

3rd week – one enema every 3rd day, later afternoon

…and so on.

Since urine contains the perfect mix of vitamins, hormones, minerals, antibodies, etc., doing urine enemas so frequently does not deplete the colon of these nutrient components. In fact, urine enemas can greatly increase colon health and help restore intestinal flora. Candida sufferers, especially benefit from urine enemas.